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10 Best Frugal Living Tips for You

By Editorial Staff

These days it doesn’t matter who you are; we all need to be careful with our spending. Gone are the days of frivolous purchases. Watching your bottom line and beefing up your savings account is the new norm. Forget about keeping up with the Jones; following frugal living tips is way cooler.

10. Coupons

Using coupons has been elevated to an art form. From price matching and stacking to losing leaders and printables, coupons help everyone live on a budget. Sign up for specials, savings offers, and discounts at websites you use often.

9. Eating Out

Free Smiling couple having date with food in restaurant Stock Photo
Before the economy slowed, eating out was an everyday occurrence for many. You can still enjoy the occasional meal away from home, just consider that filet mignon a special once-a-month treat instead.

8. Movie Theatre

Free stock photo of appartment, at home, beautiful home Stock Photo
One of the great frugal living tips is to skip the theater. Between the sky-high tickets and ridiculous concession stand prices, it is much more economical to stay home and play board games or watch movies at home.

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7. Buy Used

Free Woman in Yellow Jacket and Blue Denim Jeans Standing Near Clothes Rack Stock Photo
Whether we are referring to cars or household appliances, you can get a quality product with many years of life left in it when you buy used. The best part, of course, is the considerable cost savings over buying new.

6. Cancel Cable

Free Man and Woman Sitting on a Couch in Front of a Television Stock Photo
Ouch! For some people this is a tough one, but, with movie channels, some cable bills approach $100 a month. It is an unnecessary cost in this day and age. An account with Netflix or Hulu is $15 or less, which equates to more than a $90 savings.

5. Thermostat

frugal living tips thermostat consumption
Believe it or not, something as simple as a programmable thermostat can save you hundreds of dollars a year. Just set it to adjust once you leave the house in the morning, no sense in heating or cooling a vacant house.

4. Kids’ Clothes

frugal living tips on shopping
One, there is no need to dress children in designer clothes. If you must do so, be sure to follow frugal living tips and shop at the end of the season, when everything is on clearance. Stock up on the next several sizes at 90% off.

3. Low Flow

frugal living tips save water
Toilets and showers both benefit from the installation of low flow. Basically, each helps you use less water, which saves money. Low flow toilets use less water per flush and low flow shower heads aerate the water so less water comes out yet feels like more.

2. Reuse

frugal living tips reuse
What’s good for Mother Earth is good for your bottom line, too. Re-using and re-purposing items is actually rather stylish now. Sites like Freecycle and Craigslist help everyone find items to re-use and Pinterest is now a hot site to find ideas on how to re-purpose everything from t-shirts to lamps.

1. No Credit

frugal living tips
No matter what the powers that be want you to think, using credit and credit cards is not helping you fiscally. Pay with cash and think before you spend.

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