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Homeschooling pros and cons

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Consider homeschooling pros and cons before making a decision about education

Consider homeschooling pros and cons before making a decision about education

It certainly takes a remarkable and dedicated parent to take on the challenge of homeschooling.  Most parents are delighted when they get to turn their charges over to someone else (a teacher) for a lengthy period of time each day.

Homeschooling means that the parent is mother or father and teacher all rolled into one. Some people are cut out for it, while others aren?t. There are parent schooling pros and cons which need to be considered before reaching a decision about whether this is how your children will be educated.


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One advantage of home-based learning for a child is educational freedom. The teacher (mother or father) and the child can choose what they want to study although, of course, most states have certain rules and requirements directed at the home-schooled. Parents must make sure that they are covering all of the requisite bases with their students.

Your can adjust your schedule to suit your needs because your life no longer revolves around the official academic calendar. If you and your family want to take a vacation in the middle of February during the ?school week? you can do it. These vacations are frequently used as learning opportunities, as they should be for any parent and child. A trip to a museum or to see a particular movie can be as educational and enlightening as sitting in a conventional classroom, if not more so.

Bullying is becoming quite a problem in public institutions. This is avoided when a child is taught at home, unless he has a sibling that is giving him fits and the parent needs to quash that immediately. Females tend to experience a decline in self esteem when they are middle-school aged. This is often avoided when a female child, in particular, is parent taught.

Parents who teach their children can select the learning materials, teaching aids and resources that are most compelling to their children. The level of the lesson plans can be tailored to the individual child: more advanced lessons in some subjects and perhaps more intense lessons and hands-on or supplemental materials for subjects that are difficult.

Many opt for home-based learning because of religious reasons. They want to include their religious beliefs into their children?s education, which can?t be done in a public institution.


Home teaching can start at whatever time the parent decides is best. Kids tend to become exhausted when they are getting up early to catch a bus so they can be in class at 7:30 a.m. It may be better for some not to start until 9 a.m. or later, so that the child can get enough rest.

Developing a tighter family relationship is often the result of home schooling, if it goes well. Of course, if it?s a disaster it can do just the opposite.


On the other hand, some may argue that a parent-taught child is cloistered and doesn?t get needed exposure to the outside world, including everything that entails, which isn?t always pleasant. This is something that a parent needs to seriously consider. Is protecting your child from all that goes on in a regular classroom ? competition, bullying, pettiness, etc. ? good or is it going to leave him unprepared for dealing with similar situations as an adult?

What about too much togetherness? It is healthy for a parent and child to spend this much time together? As a parent, if you enjoy time away from your children while at work or elsewhere and don?t like the idea of being in the house all day, every day, with your kids and in the capacity of their teacher, then this is not for you.

When a parent teaches a child it is impossible to hold down a full-time job outside of the home. Can you get along without that second income?

Are your children missing out because they?re not involved in extracurricular activities associated with the institution? Playing sports or being in the band or any activity of this nature is good for children. Being around other children their age is also a good experience, most of the time. Are you depriving them of these important experiences?

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Talk to other adults and children who have gone the homeschooling route and see what they have to say so you can make an educated decision and one that you will not regret. Ask your child what he thinks. If he is adamantly opposed to being home-taught you might want to think twice.
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