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Creative Mother’s Day Gifts from the Kids

By Editorial Staff

creative mothers day gifts from the kidsby Info Guru Terri Wallace

As the holiday approaches, television commercials blare bland suggestions.

Anyone can do better than run-of-the-mill, though; she deserves better than that. Mom will appreciate a creative Mother’s Day gift from the kids, a gift with some thought and effort, to show her that they appreciate all she has done for them.

10. Past/Present Photo

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Past Present Photo

Find a photo from your childhood of you and your mother together, and pair it with a recent photo of you both together to visually depict the passage of time. Place the photos in a lovely hinged double frame for a gift that will bring tears of joy to her eyes!

9. Not just any Chocolate

chocolate truffles

Perhaps nothing is sweeter than knowing that your child realizes that you might actually have been right about a few things, after all. Unless, of course, it is a selection of the fanciest chocolate truffles, almost nothing is sweeter than sweets!

8. Mother’s Jewelry

Mother’s Jewelry

Create a family heirloom comprised of her children’s names and birthstones, and the special mother in your life will cherish it forever. A mother’s ring is a reminder that the kids are thinking of her, appreciate her, and are forever bound to her.

7. Custom Coffee Mug

 Custom Coffee Mug

Everyone knows to stay out of mom’s way until she finishes that first cup of coffee in the morning. But, a custom coffee mug, with the names of her boisterous brood reflected back at her, might make her mornings a bit more tolerable.

6. For the New Mother

For the New Mother

Help a new mother still the hands of time, if just for a moment. Preserve that first Christmas as mother with the gift of an heirloom, such as bronzed baby shoe ornaments. Each year as she decorates the tree, she will recall how tiny her baby was, and how big he is now, and how thoughtful you were to capture that moment for her.

5. Wine (not whine)


Sometimes, mothers deserve a nice wine to get through the day. Chances are, mom has more than enough whine in her life, so a nice Moscato d’Asti or similar lovely bottle might be a nice change of pace. Consider giving your mush-deserving mother a gift basket, filled to the brim with wine and cheese and crackers, to remind her that wine can be more than an annoying high-pitched voice used by teenagers trying to get their way.

4. More than Just “Mom”

More than Just “Mom”

It is easy to forget that mom actually has interests beyond her children. Believe it or not, your mom actually has hobbies, dreams, and interests of her own. Acknowledge the things that make her unique with a memory box that displays her special memories.

3. Mother of the Year

Mother of the Year

Your mother deserves a trophy for all you have put her through—missed curfews, failed classes, and a couple of “bad-boy boyfriends” during your rebellious stage. There may not be an official award for Mother of the Year, but you can still show her that she is a winner in your eyes with a crystal trophy as a testament to her maternal superiority.

2. Gazebo in a Box

Gazebo in a Box

Mom spends hours in her garden. She lovingly tends to each bloom, even when summer’s blazing sun beats down on her. Show her that you know how important her garden is to her with a project that shares her love of nature—build her monument to your love for her with a “gazebo in a box” kit.

1. The Gift of Time

The Gift of Time

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As you watch the gray creep into your mother’s hair, you realize that time marches on and your time with her is limited. Stop wasting your time together. Make the most of the gift of time by sharing a project with her that will last long after you are gone. Create a family heirloom with a mantel clock kit. Every tick tock, every chime, will remind her of your time together—time well spent.


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