Grocery Savings that can save you $1000s with Coupon Exchange Club national brand coupons – choose savings on hundreds of products, including groceries, drugs and pet supplies.^
Millions of American families have enjoyed the huge savings with this grocery coupon service since 1983. This is the first time the public is invited to subscribe to the program previously offered only to customers of AAA, AARP, Sears, JC Penney and other large companies.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. What are grocery coupons?
A. A grocery coupon is a document – usually a slip of paper – that can be redeemed for a discount when you purchase something. There are two types of grocery coupons, a store coupon and a manufacturer’s coupon. Store coupons are generated by a specific retailer, to be redeemed only in that store. Some stores accept competitors’ coupons. Manufacturer’s coupons are issued by companies for use when purchasing a specific product. Coupons generally have expiration dates, size and quantity restrictions printed on them.
Q. Where do I find grocery coupons?
A. Collecting grocery coupons takes a bit of effort, but coupons can save you big money at the supermarket. Look for coupons in the Sunday newspaper, in store flyers, aisle coupon machines (called blinkie machines), and on product boxes and labels. You will find hundreds of coupons online. Visit retail store and manufacturer websites, online coupon sites, and coupon clipping services. Don’t forget to ask neighbors and friends to save coupons for you if you purchase something regularly, like diapers or pet food.
Q. What is the best grocery coupon site?
A. There are many grocery coupon sites online. The easiest sites to use offer indexed grocery coupons and rebates in the categories that are most appealing to you. Look for a grocery coupon service that has been helping consumers save money for many years, like Coupon Exchange Club, because they will usually offer thousands of coupons with the best selection of famous national brands.
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The ABC Distributing catalog was bought out by LTD Commodities. But, the same great products and excellent service are still offered!