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Body Pains

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

body painsContributed by Info Guru Lindsay Shugerman

Aches and pains. We all have them some time or another. It may be because of that new workout or your questionable decision to rearrange your living room furniture alone. Or it could because of injury, illness or age. But whatever the cause of your body pains, you’re not alone.

Pain is one of the most common reasons for a visit to the doctor and the motivation behind that aisle of pain relievers, muscle creams and heat patches at your local drug store. So what are the aches and pains keeping most of us up at night or uncomfortable during the day? Here are the ten most common pains in the …

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10. Feet

top 10 body pains feet

Let’s face it … our feet take a beating. And that’s especially true if you’re a woman. I mean, I love high heels as much as the next girl, but oh, my aching feet at the end of a party!

But even guys can suffer from aching feet. The most common cause is ill-fitting shoes, so do your body a favor and get the right shoes for your lifestyle and career (people like nurses, doctors, restaurant employees and construction workers need to make extra-sure they get supportive work shoes!)

9. Head

top 10 body pains headache

Headaches are the number one kind of body ache for people in their 30’s and beyond, according to WebMD.

The causes can range from eye strain to allergies, so there’s no one best cure. Stress reduction techniques such as meditation and yoga help many people avoid headaches, while over-the-counter medications, hot showers and sometimes even a cup of coffee can provide more immediate relief.

8. Shoulders and upper back

top 10 body pains shoulders

We hunch over our computers. We slouch on the couch. And the taller ones among us may even have to hunch down a bit to see well out of their car’s windshield (my dad and my husband both need to do this!). And then there are the things we carry … heavy purses, laptop bags and overfilled backpacks. So it shouldn’t come as any surprise that our shoulders and upper back complain.

Fortunately, this common body pain is one of the ones we can usually address with changes in our behavior. Sitting up straighter, putting the computer monitor at the right height and reducing the amount we carry on one shoulder can all provide relief over time. This is especially important for school kids, who represent one the largest groups suffering shoulder and upper back pain.

But as for the car windshield issue, you’re on your own there! Sorry!

7. Hips

top 10 body pains hip

Hip pain is usually a function of age and a sedentary lifestyle. Pain can be in one or both hips, can radiate down the legs or into the groin, and can become so severe that it makes basic mobility difficult. According to Medline Plus, common causes of hip pain include fractures, strains, arthritis and tendinitis.

Exercise, proper support when seated and mobility aids such as canes and walkers can help to relieve some kinds of hip pain.

6. Hands and fingers

top 10 body pains hands

We all depend on our hands for everything from writing a letter (or an article like this one) to opening a jar of spaghetti sauce. That’s why hand and finger pain is one of the most debilitating kinds of body pains.

Arthritis is one of the most common causes of chronic hand or finger aches. Treatment usually involves some kind of medication to control pain and swelling. Using dressing aids to take the strain off hands can also help people to perform basic tasks with less pain.

5. Knees

top 10 body pains knees

Oh, the knee. That odd looking bit between the tops and bottoms of our legs. The measuring point for skirts according to school dress codes and workplaces. And sadly, one of the most common sources of body aches and pains.

The causes of knee pain, like the causes of headaches, are numerous. That fall on the ice you took back in college? That could be the culprit. So could arthritis, bursitis, a torn ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) or a dislocation. And that’s just the start of the list, according to the experts at the Mayo Clinic.

Some types of knee pain respond to exercise, while other require surgery. Weight loss may help to reduce pain, too.

4. Wrists

top 10 body pains wrists

You know that thing you’re probably using to read this? A computer or a tablet? Well, that wonderful device can also be the cause of wrist pain someday. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition of the wrist usually caused by repeatedly holding wrists in the wrong position. The result is a compression of a nerve…and very often, severe pain.

Other common causes of wrist pain include arthritis, sprain, tendonitis and fracture.

3. Elbows

top 10 body pains elbows

Elbow pain is usually caused by an activity, according to the experts at the Sports Injury Clinic website. It can be the result of repeated pressure, as in an arm resting on a table (called Student’s Elbow), a sports injury (Tennis Elbow is the most well known) or a disease such as arthritis.

Treatment depends on the cause, so a professional opinion is usually needed before you can get relief from chronic elbow pain.

2. Ankles

top 10 body pains ankles

If you’ve ever had a sprained ankle, you know how painful that can be. And a dislocated ankle is even more so (trust me on that one … after an embarrassing fall down the library stairs into the children’s section, I learned the hard way.) And then there are fractures. Add arthritis, tendinitis and strains into the mix, and you have the most common causes of ankle pain.

Treatments range from wrapping the ankle in an elastic bandage and using over-the-counter pain relievers to casts and surgery, depending on the cause and severity.

1. Lower back

top 10 body pains lower back

Lower back pain is the number one kind of body pains in the U.S. In fact, Americans spend over $30 Billion dollars a year (yes, that is a B) on the diagnosis and treatment of back pain. And most of that is lower back pain.

The cause of back pain are too numerous to list. Sometimes it’s because of a session of weekend warrior. Other times, it’s a fall or an injury (auto accidents are notorious for bringing on this kind of pain.) Herniated, compressed or degenerative discs also contribute to the long list of low back pain sufferers.

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Less serious causes can include poor posture, lack of stretching exercise, the wrong shoes or the need for a new, more supportive mattress. But because low back pain can sometimes signal serious illness, chronic sufferers should consult with a health care practitioner before treating it on their own.


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