Creative Blog Title Ideas
By Catalogs Editorial Staff
Contributed by Info Guru Lindsay Shugerman
It seems that almost everyone has a blog or two these days, right?
But if you’re new to the “blogosphere” and ready to make your very first blog, it can seem overwhelming.
Where do you start? And first things first, what will you call it? Somehow “My New Blog” or “Another WordPress Blog” just don’t quite cut it.So before you type the name of your new creation into the title bar, here are some creative blog title ideas to get you started.
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10. The name of a pet
Even if your blog has absolutely nothing to do with pets or animals, using your pet’s name in the title can work. Does your dog like to eat next to your desk while you write? A title like “By Jake’s Bowl” might work no matter what you write about. Include the story and a photo of Jake and his dog food bowls in your “About Me” section, and you’re on your way.
9. A sports play
Sports titles work especially well for blogs about business, life lessons, goal-setting, planning, and well, sports. I’ve even seem them work for blogs about fighting an illness or some other life challenge. Names like “First and Goal”, “The Bottom of the Ninth”, or “Nothing But Net” can work great to express some element of your topic.
8. Words from your art
If you’re an artist, the names of art tools, supplies or techniques from your art can make great blog titles. And even if you’re not an artist, these words work well to convey so many topics. How about “A Clean White Canvas” for a blog about starting over, or “Mixing Paint” for one about experiences in art school?
Check out an online art supply store for lots more artsy inspiration.
7. The reason you’re writing
Sometimes the reason you’re writing is enough to suggest a strong, creative title. “My Infertility Journey“, “My Life in Paris” or “The Place Called Home” are all straightforward blog titles that come right from the planned content.
Sometimes, creative isn’t cute. It’s just getting the message to readers. One word of caution … these on-topic blog titles are sometimes self-limiting, so make sure that’s ALL you want to write about.
6. A line from a poem
Countless book titles from Death be Not Proud to From Here to Enternity have come from lines of poetry, so why not browse some poems for creative blog title ideas?
Grab some poetry anthologies from your local library, and start browsing. Or if reading poetry seems intimidating, try listening to it on audiobooks while you drive to and from work or school. The right phrase might just leap out at you.
5. A superhero name
Using the name of a superhero in your blog title is a fun way to show your geek side or make a statement about a super power related to your blog or life. “Small town Superman”, “And I wanted to be Batgirl”, or “Ironic Ironman” are all examples of creative ways to work superheros into blog titles.
If the classic superheros don’t work for you, check out science fiction and comic book characters, too. Your new title could be waiting in the most unlikely place.
4. A description of where you write
It can be the city where you live, like Gastronomic Salt Lake City, A is for Austin, or Sweet Home Hialeah. Play around with your city, town, state, or even your piece of the area (for example “South of St. Louis” or “The West of Downeast Maine”.
Or you can name your blog after the kind of place you live, like “Pioneer Woman“, “A Beach Cottage” or “The Little Red Cottage.”
3. A favorite song
Song titles make great blog names. (Of course, if you’re planning a blog as a money-making site, you’ll probably want to check with a lawyer to make sure you’re allowed to use the name!)
If the title is too much, consider lyrics. For instance “My life in an upturned boat” from the Shin’s Simple Song would make a wonderful blog title.
Listen to your favorite music and pay attention to phrases that catch your attention. That could be your new title!
2. A variation on your name
This has been a popular idea for blog titles for a long time, but it continues to work. You can go simple, like “Being Sarah” or create a made-up word like “Brettatpolis”.
Some people have used their kids names, significant other’s name, or a surname to create a unique blog name. Try several combinations and pay attention to what feels right.
1. And the new word is …
There is no rule that any part of your blog name has to be an existing word or phrase. If you’re feeling especially creative, start experimenting with sounds and syllables until you get the right combination.
There are also some rules for what NOT to do for blog names. Skip the salty language … it limits your audience, and could make it hard for people to access your blog from work or public locations with filters. And do make sure no one else has a successful blog with almost the exact same name. It’s no fun to be competing for position from day one!
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Finally, make sure it’s clear and easy for people to remember and spell! After all, you do want people coming back!