Creative Engagement Proposal Ideas
By Editorial Staff
Contributed by Info Guru Oliver VanDervoort
It seems like these days, merely popping the question isn’t enough.
When we finally want to take the leap with our significant others, we also need to find a way to get style points while we’re asking. The problem is that almost everything has been done at least once, so you need to come up with a way to put your own spin on some truly clever ideas. The other problem is that you might not exactly be the creative type who can think of something that will really wow that special someone. Luckily for you, we’ve come up with a list of the top 10 creative engagement proposal ideas. Pick from this list and then make sure to give it a dash of your own personality.
10. Podcast it
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It seems like everyone has some sort of device that they listen to their favorite podcasts on. If your special someone doesn’t then that can be part of the proposal as well. Get her a new iPod and tell her that you’ve loaded up some really great podcasts. There are a couple of different programs that will allow you to create and edit podcasts. Make your own, or if you’re really good you can find a way to insert yours into a pre-recorded one. Some podcast peeps will even be good enough to include your proposal into the podcast they produce.
9. Scavenger Hunt
This has certainly been done before, but you can put your own spin on it, by making it lead to places you guys have gone on dates, or that are special to you. The final clue eventually leads to you and her ring.
8. Advertise at Local Movie Theater
Imagine her face when you are going to check out a movie like “Love Actually” and your proposal is playing on the screen in the ads before the trailers begin to run. This will obviously catch that special someone off guard.
7. Skywriting Message
This is another one that has certainly been done before, but that doesn’t mean that the special someone won’t be blown away that you had something like that written in the heavens for them. Take a picnic lunch out to some green covered hill and watch the message unfold.
6. Newspaper Ads
You can take out a full page ad in the paper that your special someone reads and make her day when she is having their morning coffee. You’ll get points for making it clear to the community that you want this to happen pretty badly.
5. Ring in the Dessert
This is another one that isn’t particularly new or original but will still catch your significant other off guard. Clearly people still think its a good idea, because you hear of people slipping the engagement ring in the dessert quite often, even in this day and age.
4. Use a billboard
Obviously this is another take off on the newspaper ad or the skywriting message but it is just different enough that it should catch your special someone off guard. People just don’t expect to drive by and see an important message on those eyesores anymore so this can actually be quite fun to surprise her with.
3. YouTube it
This is a technological take on skywriting or using a billboard. You can make a YouTube video and put it out there for all to see, post to it on your Facebook page or simply email her the link. Either way, there are a number of ways you can disguise it.
2. Banner Ad on Her Favorite Site
This one might take some doing, but once you have figured out what sort of sites she spends the most time on, you can purchase advertising on that site. Of course, you are also going to need to make sure she is paying attention to the site but if everything works out, this is going to be one that gets some hugs and kisses.
1. Group Proposal
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This one is actually getting quite a bit of play recently. The bigger the better when talking about the number of people you involve in the proposal. You can come up with all kinds of different ways to get it done and in the end you’ll have a happy significant other.