Dangers for Dogs
By Editorial Staff
by Catalogs.com Info Guru Bryce Hammons
We love our animals.
They accompany us on hikes, hang out poolside, and snuggle up on cold winter nights. We try our best to mitigate potential hazards, dangerous products, and other such harm.
But, there are dangers for dogs which we may not fully understand. Below, we’ll take a look at harmful products – and even certain human foods – in an attempt to give pet owner’s all the information they’ll ever need to keep their little furry friends safe, healthy, and happy, for many years to come.
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10. Automotive products
According to the ASPCA, these products – such as antifreeze, brake fluid, and more – can be dangerous and life-threatening to pets. Fortunately, many owners seem to be keeping their pets indoors more and more, which have helped to cut down on these incidents.
9. People food
Below, we’ll take a look at chocolate and fat trimmings/bones separately, but here’s a starter list for products which can be very dangerous for your pets to consume:
• Coffee, tea, or other such caffeine containing products
• Grapes/raisins
• Macadamia nuts
• Alcohol
• Excessive salt
• Sugar containing products/Xylitol (artificial sweetener)
• Raw foods
For a full list, head over to Pet Education to find which foods you should never feed your pet and which can still be occasional snacks (treats).
8. Rattlesnakes
For those in high country or those looking to take that next, great hike, rattlesnakes can be a looming concern for pet owners. Ask your veterinarian about potential questions you may have: rattlesnake vaccine, animal rattlesnake safety classes, and more.
7. Fat trimmings and bones
We tend to enjoy feeding our pets human food, but fat trimmings given to them may cause pancreatitis. Bones fed to animals can splinter presenting both a choking hazard or lacerating the digestive system. Stick with canine food and treats only just to be safe.
6. Household products
From paint to fire logs, dogs have a way of finding some strange (and potentially deadly) items on which to chew. Over the holidays, these can include tinsel, ornaments, candles, gift wrap ribbon, and even certain toxic holiday plants.
For more information on potential household issues, head over to the Pet Insurance website to learn more.
5. Getting Lost
Whether out on a strenuous hike in the backwoods or in the front yard pruning the bushes, one of the biggest concerns for pet owners is of Fido running off and getting lost. If tags are not enough for you, a microchip placed underneath the skin can save you both time and hassle in trying to find a lost animal.
You will be reunited quickly with your curious furry friend with a lessoning of the potential for an accident, or worse, during their excursion away from you.
4. Heat stroke
According to the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation (AKCCHF.org) heatstroke is a major concern during the sweltering summer months. Animals left in cars – even in the shade – can become too hot; body temperature can rise to 109 degrees, according to Dean Hendricks, a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.
Signs to look for include:
• Panting
• Drooling
• Weakness
• Muscle tremors
• Tacky gums
• Seizures
Hendricks explains that owners should get the animals out of the car, put cool water inside the ears and armpits; then soak the entire animal with either water, water soaked towels, or a hose. While it would seem like a good idea to have your pet drink water, Hendricks states that one should run cool water over the tongue instead of forcing them to drink.
For more information on this and other dangers, head over to the AKCCHF.org site. https://www.akcchf.org/canine-health/your-dogs-health/caring-for-your-dog/summer-dangers-for-dogs.html
3. Chocolate
Chocolate can be a problem for our pets; eating too much of the sweet stuff can cause problems like vomiting, diarrhea, high heart rate, and seizures. The ASPCA received over 7,600 calls from concerned pet owners in 2011 alone. Keep the chocolate high in the cupboards and never feed it to your pet.
2. Insecticides
Like chocolate above, the ASPCA took calls on insecticide ingestion; over 11 percent of their calls were devoted to insecticides taken in by animals. The ASPCA says to always read the label before using any product, whether it’s for household cleaning, lawn care, or even for pet care.
1. Prescription Medications
The number one issue the ASPCA faced in 2011 was that of dogs – and other household pets – deciding on snatching up a fallen pill or raiding the medical cabinet. They received over 25,000 calls on this issue; they say to keep medications up and away from potential scavengers.
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Thus, dangers for dogs run the gamut: medications, chocolate, and everything in between. To put in place safety measures is the first step toward creating a safe and healthy environment for your four-legged friend. So get started today!