Destinations in Scotland for Travel Adventure
By Editorial Staff
Scotland is a fantastic destination for those considering a trip abroad in the near future.
In addition to great food and culture, Scotland is also home to a number of interesting sites of both historic importance and natural beauty. Scotland is a great place for those wishing to experience old world European charm in a country that is also modern, vibrant and dynamic. In this list of the top ten destinations in Scotland, we will look at some of the country’s premiere locals and attractions.
10. Edinburgh

Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland. Edinburgh’s Old Town is home to some the best preserved Medieval architecture in the world, while the more modernized New Town section of Edinburgh is marked by beautiful neoclassical buildings housing trendy night spots and restaurants. It also home to the famous Edinburgh castle which houses, among other things, the stone of destiny, a relic used in Scotland’s royal coronation rituals.
9. Glasgow
Glasgow is a lovely port city that is considered something a cultural hub, not only in respect to Scotland, but indeed the whole of the UK. In Glasgow one can find music, visual arts of all kinds, Opera, museums, and beautiful scenery that make obvious why so many artists have been drawn to Glasgow over the centuries.
8. Skye
The island of Skye looks like the sort of beautiful fishing village one might see as a backdrop in a BBC drama series. It is also home to the Skye trail, a long hiking trail that can take several days to complete, but is generally considered to be well worth the effort.
7. Loch Ness
Loch Ness is a body water which is famous for supposedly containing the Loch Ness monster, affectionately known as Nessie. While a visit to Loch Ness is not likely to yield sighting of prehistoric beasts it is a fine place to experience the natural beauty of Scotland.
6. St. Andrews

St. Andrews is perhaps the best place for those seeking to engage with the rich history of Scotland. It is home to one the oldest universities in the world as well as the famous St. Andrews castle.
5. Oban
Oban is called the gateway to the Hebridean islands in addition to possessing the seaside charm common to many Scottish towns, it is also home to one Scotland’s most frequented museums. Oban is also contains a large distillery for those who are a fan of Scotland’s smooth and smokey signature beverage!
4. Perth
Perth is large riverside town in central Scotland. Perth is famous for, among other things, being the historical home to one of Scotland’s most storied military regiments known as the Black Watch. There is a Black Watch museum located in the beautiful Balhousie castle that contains all variety of military regalia dating back hundreds of years.
3. Dundee
Dundee is a great destination for golfers, really all of Scotland is, but especially this coastal city. It also boasts two nautical museums and one of Scotland’s oldest castles.
2. Leith

Leith is a city that has seen its share of history, but is known for attracting the youthful and artistic. Much like Glasgow it is a centre for the creative arts both traditional and avant garde. Leith is also a fine place to take a waterway boat tour and enjoy some fine Scottish ale with your traveling companions.
1. Lewis and Harris
Lewis and Harris are the respective names of the two towns that make up the northern and southern parts of this Scottish island. While it is somewhat sparsely populated, Lewis and Harris is a great place for anyone looking for a quiet getaway with beautiful scenery and a lot of history.
Scotland is usually thought of a vacation destination for those with family ties and historical roots in the british isles, but, in fact, Scotland has something to offer most any traveler. Weather you are seeking outdoor fun, night life, engagement with the arts or just a quiet getaway, Scotland is a fine destination sure to satisfy even the most ravenous wanderlust.
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