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Fitness Training Accessories

By Editorial Staff

fitness accessoriesContributed by Info Guru Oliver VanDervoort

If you are looking to get into better shape by working out there are a couple of different things you will need as accessories.

Some of these items are things that make you feel as though you are ready to start working out. Others actually help you get the workout done. The way that people choose to use these kinds of items are really what makes them the best to use when you are trying to get your workout on. When talking about the top ten fitness accessories, those accessories can actually span a couple of different categories. Without further ado, we bring you the list that might just change your workout forever.

10. Balance Ball

 Balance Ball

The balance ball is one of the best things to use when you are trying to slim down and get fit. Also referred to as the Bosu ball, this can be used in a number of different ways that all lead to better shape and dexterity.

9. Jump Rope

jump rope

A plain old jump rope is one of the best accessories you can use when you are trying to get into better shape. People don’t realize just how much muscle you are working and how much exercise you are getting from using this tool.

8. Duffel Bag

Duffel Bag

This is the first item on the list that is an accessory that doesn’t directly lead to getting fit itself. Everyone needs something to carry all their equipment in so a duffel bag comes in handy when you want to workout.

7. Ankle Weights

Ankle Weights

Ankle weights will allow you to build up your leg muscles no matter what you are doing. You can wear these when you go walking or running or you can do specific workouts designed with these in mind.

6. Pushup Bars

Pushup Bars

Pushup bars are exactly what they sound like. Using these allows for people to put together a better pushup because it manages to focus on certain muscle groups better than doing the exercise without them.

5. Scale


This is yet another accessory that is less about getting fit and working out and more about making sure that working hard is actually paying off. This is why a bathroom scale qualifies as an accessory, because you need something to track your progress as you work to reshape your body into what you really want it to be.

4. Pedometer


A pedometer allows for you to track how long and how far you have run or walk when you are working out. The really fancy versions of these can tell you quite a bit more but if you choose to go with a basic version you still have a very good tool to help you get your workouts going well.

3. Strength Strap

 Strength Strap

This is another of the top ten fitness accessories that can be used in a number of different ways to shape your body into something you are happier and more comfortable with. The strength bands can be used how you want or there can be specific workouts geared towards the tool.

2. Mat


No matter what kind of workout you are doing or where you are doing it, you are going to want to be comfortable. Because of this, you can get yourself a yoga mat and workout on even the hardest floor. These mats will give you the cushioning you need to be comfortable when you are working out and the best of them will actually wick away your sweat while you are working out, making cleanup that much easier when you are finished.

1. Workout shoes

Workout shoes

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Having the right pair of shoes is the best way to get your workout to be as productive as possible. You want to have a pair that are comfortable and durable. You don’t want the soles wearing out after just a week of heavy training.


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