Getting ready for a new job
By Catalogs Editorial Staff
These are the things you should do when you are getting ready for a new job
Despite the fact that the United States is largely recovering from the economic downturn in 2008, it can still be difficult to find that perfect job for you. When you do find a place to work that you think actually suits you, you are likely to feel some conflicting emotions. There is of course going to be a sense of relief and joy that you finally got that job that you really wanted. There is almost certainly also going to be a sense of trepidation since you are going into a situation with quite a few unknowns.The best way to get rid of the butterflies in the pit in your stomach is to get as prepared as humanly possible for that first day of work, and then for every day following. When you are getting ready for a new job, there are some things that you can’t control. That makes it all the more important to have a firm grasp on what you can control so that you can make the right impression on your new boss and your coworkers.
Find Out the Dress Code
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Some companies are extremely casual when it comes to what employees are expected to wear to work. Others are strict to the point of requiring uniforms. You want to make sure that you know and fully understand the dress code from one day to the next. If you are working in an office environment, you need to have a versatile selection of office-appropriate clothes ready to go. Express your personality and sense of professionalism, at the same time, you want to make sure that you are fitting in with your coworkers.
That doesn’t mean you should dress sloppily if everyone else is, but if the code doesn’t call for full suits every day, you might find that you’ll get along in the company better if you aren’t dressed to the nines all the time. Most important in this regard is to make sure you are dressing however your supervisors expect you to dress. If you can’t figure it out on your own, ask.
Get Transportation Issues Hammered Out
There is nothing a new boss is going to hate more than having their employees showing up late to work. Make sure that you have a reliable vehicle or have your method of getting to work planned out well before the first day rolls around. Even if this means staying up late the night before to plan your public transportation route, or getting up extra early to make certain you make connections or avoid traffic issues, you should make sure you are able to show up on your first day, and then on time and dependably after that.
The one exception might be if the employee has to call in because they do not have a way to get to the office. Know that you may have to take a personal or sick day if you must miss work because you can’t there. Do this more than once, and you might not have to worry about transportation any more, any way.
Understand the Job
Obviously, since you applied for the position you probably have a basic understanding of what your new job will be. That does not mean that you will have as firm a grasp as you will after a year of service when it comes to knowing the ins and outs of the position. Your supervisor understands that.
If at all possible, you should study up on the job you are taking and make sure you know what will be expected of you. Most people spend quite a bit of time getting ready for their first day and just assume that after that they can wing it. Those who enter their new job knowing what they are going to have to do on their first, second, third and fourth days are going to be better prepared.
Someone who can hit the ground running is going to be looked at quite a bit more positively by everyone they work with.
If your new company has a policy manual, job description and any promotional materials, ask if you can take them home with you before your first day. Then actually read it and carefully consider where you fit in when it comes to those policies.
It might not hurt to do a little research on your company using the Internet. Depending on your position, you can get a good feel for what your predecessors did right and what they did wrong.
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