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Homeopathic Remedies for Acne

By Editorial Staff

homeopathic acne curesby Info Guru Aurora LaJambre

Acne plagues many people. What often begins in the teenage years unfortunately doesn’t always clear away by adulthood.

Finding treatment can be tricky as severe cases are treated with severe medications that often include harmful side effects and don’t always work for the long run.

These homeopathic remedies for acne are safe and they often work by healing from the inside out.

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10. Acne formulas

homeopathic acne formulas

Acne specific homeopathic formulas, like relieve acne symptoms such as pimples on the face and/or neck, usually with oily skin and often caused by poor diet. These gentle formulas aid your body in naturally relieving symptoms of acne. The homeopathic ingredients in Be gone® Acne, for example, are Antimon crud (pimples on neck), Berber aqui (acne on face) and Sepia (pimples on face).

9. Tea tree

Tea tree

Tea tree is a powerful antibacterial natural ingredient used to reduce redness and kill acne-causing bacteria. Unlike pharmaceutical acne fighters, tea tree oil, cream or gel won’t discolor skin, make you dizzy or irritate the stomach. It’s a safe topical treatment you can use pure or combined with other natural skin-replenishing oils, so long as the mix contains at least 5% tea tree.

8. Tone with apple cider vinegar

Tone with apple cider vinegar

Stress wreaks havoc on sensitive skin in part by throwing off the natural pH. Homeopathic remedies for acne include natural toners you can use in the morning and evening. Use a ratio of 1/3 raw apple cider vinegar to 2/3 which hazel (alcohol free) to exfoliate, balance and calm your skin.

7. Cleanse with honey

Cleanse with honey

Ancient Romans used a mix of honey and lard to moisturize their skin. The same can be accomplished today by mixing a half teaspoon with a drop of milk. Rub the mixture on your face and leave it for about 15 minutes. This will inhibit future breakouts and leave skin feeling soft and glowy. Antibacterial properties in honey also make this an ideal cleanser and makeup for acne-prone skin.

6. Acupuncture


This is one of the homeopathic remedies for acne that takes a little courage the first time around. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment used to heal a wide range of ailments from headaches and nausea to migraines. It also helps balance hormones in the body, which is a common cause of cystic acne. Try two months of weekly sessions and see how it works for you.

5. Nitric acid

Nitric acid

Nitric acid is a botanical skin treatment often prescribed for adults tired of suffered from lifelong cystic acne. It clears skin up in a few months by fighting bacteria and smoothing the skin’s surface.

4. Cut refined sugars

This may sound more like a punishment than a remedy, but refined sugar is common culprit in the skin department. Consuming sugar actually makes your skin more prone to cystic acne by creating a layer of dampness on the surface. Eliminate refined sugar for a few weeks and see firsthand how dramatically you can naturally heal skin.

3. Rhassoul clay mask

Rhassoul clay mask

Pharmaceutical treatments will often include retinol or other derivatives of vitamin A. Its drying quality removes top layers of damaged skin, but it can also cause redness, a burning sensation and peeling. A Rhassoul clay mask offers the same benefits by limiting oil and leaves the face smooth and glowing. Mix the clay with water to make your own natural face mask.

2. Willow bark

Willow bark

Many topical pharmaceuticals attack breakouts from the surface alone, but they’re so strong they irritate skin, too, which can lead to more breakouts! Use willow bark to exfoliate and reduce inflammation gently and effectively.

1. Heal your mind

Natrum carbonicum

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Chronic breakouts are both a symptom and common cause of social anxiety and even depression. Natrum carbonicum is a skin care remedy that treats both the skin and mind. It increases oxidation in skin cells and eases the mind, decreasing headaches, anxiety and mental exhaustion.


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