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Men’s Grooming Tips

By Editorial Staff

mens grooming tipsContributed by Info Guru Lisa Pratto

To some men, the words “grooming tips” and “men” should not be used in the same sentence, but, really, the top men’s grooming tips are basic hygiene issues.

You are no less masculine if you try out the advice below. Honest.

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10. Brush Your Teeth

Brush Your Teeth

Um, yea. We shouldn’t have to explain why oral hygiene is important. Just do it. Thanks.

9. Cologne


One little drop of cologne or splash of aftershave will do. We are not meant to smell you from a mile away and you certainly do not want to suffocate anyone in close quarters.

8. Matchy-matchy


You know how your wife/girlfriend/sister/mother always takes so long picking out an outfit? It’s because she is making sure that all the details match. If you just match your shoe color to your belt, you’re good. Brown shoes, brown belt. Black shoes, black belt. Got it?

7. Wash Your Face

Wash Your Face

Another simple hygiene task. Wash your face with a simple, pure facial soap every night before bed. It gets all the dirt, sweat and general street grime off and really does make you feel better.

6. Stray Hairs

Stray Hairs

You can’t see it, but the back of your neck can look overgrown and unkempt. Get it trimmed. Often. Please.

5. Nose Hairs

Nose Hairs

I know, ewwwww, right?! It’s just a fact of life that men get this crazy hair growth in their noses and ears as they age. Do not ignore it. One of the best men’s grooming tips is to get one of those little nose hair trimmers. Put a stop to it.

4. Use a Little Product

 Use a Little Product

As in hair gel, palm aid, whatever works for you. It won’t kill you. Alarms will not go off. People will not think any less of you. They will comment on how nice you look, though, and that’s a good thing no matter how manly you are.

3. Make Friends With a Tailor

Make Friends With a Tailor

Women are told all the time by experts to have their clothes altered for a good fit. The same applies to men. Pants that are too long or an ill-fitting suit coat just give the wrong impression. The clothes make the man, right?!

2. The Unibrow

 The Unibrow

You know what I am talking about. You’ve seen it. If you suspect you may be inadvertently growing one, head to your nearest salon and fast. The ladies there can wax that puppy in no time. And, no, they will not think you are weird. They will be incredibly impressed that you have taken this step in your grooming habits.

1. The Nails

 The Nails

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This is one of those great men’s grooming tips that applies to everyone. No biting your nails. Keep them short and clean with a manicure kit that travels easily or slips in your desk drawer.


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