Discovering the Most Popular Catholic Saints for Kids
By Catalogs Editorial Staff
We know, that within the Catholic Church there are over 10,000 women and men who have been canonized as a Saint. Discovering the Most Popular Catholic Saints for Kids is easy, there are Saints for every occupation, Saints for specific occasions, and Saints for specific needs. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that there are also specific Saints for people of different ages.
Some of the famous popular Catholic saints for kids have interesting life stories that appeal to and inspire the younger set. Others had a special influence on children during their lifetime and some are simply well-known role models for Catholics of all ages.
In order to learn more, here are ten of the most popular Catholic patron saints that kids and those who are still young at heart should know about:
10. Saint Francis of Assisi

What child could resist the story of a man who spent his life caring for sick, injured and lost animals? St. Francis is one of the most popular male catholic saints known not only for his simple living. In the same way, he showed utmost care for the animals and have preached to them, believing that as part of God’s creation they too deserved to hear the holy scriptures.
9. Saint Therese of Lisieux

Another female saint our kids should know is St. Therese of Lisieux. She is known for her profound faith and wisdom even as a child. This is why she has long been a favorite of young Catholics. She is pretty much known as the “Little Flower,”. St. Therese was cured by a vision of Mary when she was only about five years old. By age 11, she had a regular prayer practice, but was far from perfect. She easily cries when criticized like normal children do… and then cry even more because she was embarrassed to have cried in public. At a very young age, she joined a Holy Order at age 14, and stayed there until her passing at age 24.
8. Saint Joseph

Usually pictured holding the child or infant Jesus, St. Joseph is one the most popular Catholic Saints for kids. He had portrayed a great role as father and protector of the Holy Family. In addition to this, he represents hard work (he was a carpenter) in everything he does. St. Joseph showed willingness to do whatever God asked, and vowed strong commitment to his family. He is a saint that has all wonderful values for children.
7. Saint Valentine

Any Saint who’s name is associated with tons of chocolate candy is bound to be a favorite choice for kids. But in truth, there’s a lot more reasons for this Saint to be in the top 10 with children and teens. St. Valentine was a rebel. In fact, he defied the law which forbid new marriages, and secretly helped couples wed. Thanks to his defiant choice, many children were born. To say thank you, people brought food and sweets to his jail cell window — and thus the candy we all love to share on his holiday.
6. Saint Patrick

There are kids who love crawly things like snakes, and those who don’t. But either way, little ones love the story of St. Patrick leading the snakes out of Ireland. The deeper meaning of the story may elude small children… but the magical tale makes him one of the most recognized Saints among kids and adults.
5. Saint Anthony of Padua

St. Anthony might just be one of the most useful of the Saints — at least for children. St. Anthony is the Saint of Lost Object. Knowing him can help children practice praying whenever they misplace things. Furthermore, Anthony was known as someone who only wanted to share the good news of the gospels to anyone who would listen. There are people who carries St. Anthony prayer cards in their wallets.
4. Saint Bernadette

St. Bernadette is one of the most popular female catholic saints there is. They said that when St. Bernadette was 15, she had her first vision of the Blessed Virgin — one of 18 she would have in her short life. According to Bernadette, the Virgin Mother asked her to pray for sinners and to have a chapel erected in honor of Mary. The area around the chapel has been a site for miraculous healing ever since. Her young age when she had her first vision, and her incredible gifts make her a popular Saint with kids and teens.
3. Saint Cecelia

St. Cecelia, is the Patron Saint of Musicians. In addition, she is best known for her role in a romance to rival that of Romeo and Juliet. Only this time, the young lovers were star-crossed not by their families, but by a commitment to their faith. Kids love reading about the angel with flaming wings who guarded Cecelia’s purity, and her beloved Valerian who gave up marriage for a life of service to God.
2. Saint Maria Goretti

Maria’s story of martyrdom at the age of 11 or 12 is a hard story for younger children to understand. However, preteens and teens appreciate her bravery because she has become a girl just about their age who was canonized for standing up for what is right. Specifically, St. Maria Goretti is the Patron Saint of teen-aged girls and chastity.
1. Saint Nicholas

Most of the world might know him as Santa Claus, but Saint Nicholas’ role as the Patron Saint of Children makes him the number one choice for Catholic Saints children know and love. In fact, his real-life reputation as a secret gift-giver led to his association with leaving presents on Christmas. Needless to say, that he was a dedicated man who spent his life making other people’s burdens lighter.
Learning Popular Catholic Saints, a parent-child bonding
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Finally, with thousands of popular catholic saint names to select from, there is certain to be at least one who will inspire your children’s faith. Spend time learning about the Saints’ lives, pictures of popular catholic saints, and stories of saints for kids so you will all grow in belief and commitment spiritually. There is a wide selection of Catholic books that feature the lives of these Saints.