Rare coin values
By Catalogs Editorial Staff
It’s a rare treat when a coin has values in the stratosphere
Ahoy there, mate! Gold doubloons, pieces of eight and a potent old bottle of rum might make for a romantic evening if you?re a pirate. Not so long ago, galleons filled with gold made their way across the oceans. Some were carrying gilded plunder such as jewelry and goblets from civilizations in which gold was commonplace.
Many dedicated sailors were aboard some ships. They were doing their duty to return to their countries and deliver the riches to already wealthy kings. But other ships were manned by pirates. Those dark hulks prowled the waves in search of vessels whose loads could be lightened by force and appropriation. The booty is as coveted today by salvagers and treasure hunters as it was long ago. Rare coin values have skyrocketed, regardless of the age of the coin.
What?s so inviting about gold?
Today?s collectors may not have the means to collect vast amounts of priceless relics such as those found in sunken ships on the bottom of the ocean. They may be unable to accumulate substantial caches of trinkets unearthed from the sandy beaches where old treasure chests have been discovered. Nevertheless, today?s collector of gold coins, commemorative coins and historic coins has choices as endless as the ebb and flow of the ocean?s tides.
The rich color of gold and its hefty weight make it attractive to collectors. History books reveal that ancient Egyptians were excavating for gold nearly two centuries before the birth of Christ. Skilled craftsmen quickly learned how easy it was to bend and fuse and manipulate gold into objects of art. Museums today display their wares: golden necklaces, bracelets, rings and amulets encrusted with jewels and enamel.
Gold is an element that is found on almost every continent. Thus far, Antarctica is found to be without the element but future scientific research well may reveal new facts about deposits. Gold that was formed by volcanic processes billions of years ago is still extant today. Neither climate nor natural catastrophes ever fully destroy gold. It can be reclaimed and reused again and again.
How can one begin collecting coins?
Gold coins, some silver coins and coins accidentally stamped with manufacturing errors will reflect rare coin values. Today, it?s possible to purchase individual coins and entire collections from critically acclaimed dealers, retailers and fully accredited mints. Those new to collecting may think about hobbies they enjoy or periods of history to which they are attracted. Coins abound from colonial days. An outdoor enthusiast can begin searching with a metal detector and a trowel.
There are buffalo nickels and statehood quarters to be had with a modest investment. A bit more extravagant is the collecting of proof sets which present from some desired year one of each coin–penny, dime, nickel, quarter, half-dollar and silver dollar. Oftentimes, the sets come with a fine wooden box or a velvet-lined display case. Coin collecting is a satisfying hobby and for some a rewarding business.
What are some of the most valuable coins?
Pocket change is something not highly regarded by some careless folks who tend to throw away pennies or toss handfuls into a jar on their desks. They might think differently if they realized the rare coin values attached to some coins in circulation at this moment. It?s worth the effort to inspect loose change before spending it, or stashing it in an old coffee can.
Pennies are among the most commonly ignored coins. Think again about treating them with undue nonchalance, for there are Lincoln pennies designated 1914-D worth more than $280 that remain in circulation. There is an Indian Head cent minted as 1908-S that is worth a couple hundred. And the mother of all pennies might be the VDB Lincoln Head penny that?s worth a cool grand, $1,000. The coins? initials near the dates stand for their mints of origin, Denver and San Francisco, for example. The VDB in the case of the thousand-dollar penny stands for the initials of the designer, Victor David Brenner.
What collectibles are kin to the coin?
Coin collections just seem to go well with other interesting assemblies of collectibles such as stamps, antique watches, paper money and commemoratives. There are sets available that combine the coins and the stamps of World War II. There are ensembles that combine paper money and coins from various eras of America?s past.
One set is billed as Three Centuries of American Coinage. One also can collect the Last 20 Years of Indian Head Pennies and the Last 20 Years of Mercury Dimes. One would think coin collecting is a really good way to learn about history. And numerous coin club abound for those who are socially inclined. What do you think? Penny for your thoughts.
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