How to stop annoying snoring problems
By Catalogs Editorial Staff
Stop your annoying snoring problems and sleep better
While snoring is generally considered a rather trivial problem, it can cause no small amount of discomfort for one’s partner, roommate, or anyone else within earshot. In addition to this, snoring has also been linked to problems such as dry mouth, insomnia, chest pain, and lack of restorative REM sleep.
In this guide to how to stop snoring we will lay out a few simple tips and tricks to help you overcome snoring and minimize the problems associated with nighttime snoring.
Snoring Cessation Devices

There are a number of devices available to aid in the cessation of snoring. Depending on what is causing your snoring, one these might be right for you.
If your snoring is caused, for example, by your mouth being open during sleep, there are slings made of soft material which can hold your mouth shut without causing discomfort.
If nasal congestion is the problem, then perhaps you would do better to use a nasal strip, a small adhesive strip used to open the passageways and relieve snoring. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist to see if such a product might be right for you.
Diet and Hydration

It is important to avoid certain foods as well as alcoholic beverages before going to sleep in order to help alleviate snoring. Foods that are high in fat and sodium tend to be linked to a higher rate and intensity of snoring than other foods. It is also a good idea to avoid eating so soon before bed and to go to sleep well-hydrated.
If you are overweight a change in diet may also prove helpful because your nasal and bronchial passageways may be experiencing pressure from increased fatty tissue.
Your Sleeping Habits
Another two things worth considering are sleep position and sleep hygiene.
Sleep hygiene refers to the our regular behaviors before sleep as well as the atmosphere we create in our sleeping space. Ensure that the temperature of your room and lighting are conducive to healthy restful sleep and avoid the use of lighted screen right before bed.
If you are currently sleeping on your back then try rolling over on to one of your sides, or vice versa. This will reposition your tongue and breathing passages in a way that might help with your snoring problem.

You can also alleviate snoring through the use of essential oils and other forms of aromatherapy. If you like to shower shortly before bed you may want to consider using eucalyptus oil to help open up your passageways. Also try placing the oil on your feet and chest before sleep. This will help with snoring as well as anxiety. Neti pots might also help if you are experiencing snoring due to congestion.
Snoring can be a frustrating problem because it?s not necessarily under your control. That being said these remedies may help if you experience casual snoring.
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You should, of course, consult with your physician if the problem persists as heavy snoring can be a sign of serious health issues. Snoring is a problem, but there are more than a few easy solutions.