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Savor the Best: 4th of July Desserts You Must Try

By Editorial Staff

The typical 4th of July menu includes plenty of all-American and American-adopted favorites like hotdogs, burgers, and potato salad, but to make it a truly patriotic holiday, desserts are what remind us of the red, white, and blue. Here are some great Fourth of July desserts that will have everyone at your picnic waving a patriotic flag for more.

10. Flag cookies

Red, white, and blue cake icing and decorative white dots will turn any rectangular sugar cookie into an all-American snack, making it the perfect dessert project to keep the little ones busy until the hot dogs and burgers are ready. This makes one of the perfect 4th of July desserts.

9. Red, white & blueberry freezer pops

Place ten 5-ounce paper or foam cups on a cookie tray. Pour an inch of raspberry juice into each and place in freezer. When they start to freeze, stick a popsicle stick in each and freeze solid. Blend a pint of frozen yogurt with a cup of water, pour it on top of the juice, and let it freeze. Blend a cup of blueberries with a cup of water, pour that in each cup and freeze overnight.

8. Red, white & blue chocolate cupcakes

4th of july desserts
Anything with chocolate in it is bound to be a popular dessert choice, but chocolate cupcakes with white icing covered with either blueberries or strawberries will set off fireworks long before nightfall. Chocolate cupcakes is one of the simple 4th of July desserts that are mouth-watering for both kids and adults.

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7. Flag cheesecake bars

4th of july desserts
Cut a square or rectangular cheesecake into flag-shaped bars. Squeeze seedless red raspberry jelly out of the cut-off corner of a plastic bag, add some blueberries in the left-hand corner and salute the tasty cheesecake bars as they march from the plate to hungry mouths.

6. Red-white-and-cool icebox cake

4th of july desserts
Alternate layers of graham cracker pieces with layers of vanilla pudding mixed with whipped dessert topping. Top with red (cherry or strawberry) and blueberry pie-filling and chill for three hours. It’s as cool and refreshing as getting pushed into the pool.

5. Flag fruit salad

sweet 4th of july desserts
Fresh strawberries, blueberries and raspberries mixed with chunks of fresh pineapple and slices of bananas. It’s not just patriotic; it’s healthy too!

4. Patriotic chip cookies

You want a sweet and healthy treat. Replace the chocolate chips in your favorite recipe with white chocolate chips, dried blueberries, and dried cherries or cranberries for a crispy patriotic cookie.

3. American flag tart

fruity 4th of july desserts
Seven rows of jelly-glazed red raspberries, six rows of sugar-dusted raspberries and a corner of blueberries turns a regular baked tart into a tasty American flag.

2. American flag cake

If your family prefers cake to tarts, start with a butter sheet cake, ice with white frosting, line up seven rows of strawberries and a corner of blueberries, and pledge allegiance to a tasty American flag dessert.

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1. Strawberry-blueberry shortcake

cakes 4th of july desserts
Bright red strawberries and fresh blueberries on a mound of white whipped cream piled high on top of fresh-baked shortcake biscuits will make everyone wish they’d left more room instead of downing all those hotdogs.


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