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Top 10 Best Playground Games

By Editorial Staff

A list of the top ten best playground gamesContributed by Tim Brugger, Top 10 Guru

Not only are these the top ten best playground games, it’s quite possible they are on a short list of the greatest games ever created.

It’s games like these that made recess the best class of the day. And the memories; who can forget the memories.

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10. Four Square

One of the top ten best playground games

As is the case with many playground games, four square is a great game in part because it takes so little to play. Most schools and parks already have the four square court painted on the playground, all kids need is a ball of some sort. Beginners stick with the red, bouncy ball, but true four square aficionados know a tennis ball will separate the stars from the also-rans.

9. 500

One of the top ten best playground games

What makes this game so much fun is it has so many aspects to it: kids can use any number of different balls, they can go to as many points as they wish and there is almost no limit to the number of kids who can play at one time. When the captain throws the ball high in the air toward the mass of kids anxiously jockeying for position, most anything can happen. Catch in the air for a hundred points, one bounce for fifty and two bounces for 25. Throw in the occasional blind side tackle, and you have an almost perfect playground game.

8. Marbles

One of the top ten best playground games

The tried and true game of marbles; it may not get any better than watching two, intently concentrating kids battling it out in a game of marbles. Of course, to make it interesting the winner gets the spoils, or in this case, all the marbles. Are there really people who, at one point in their lives, didn’t walk the school grounds with a bag of marbles looking for some action? If so, they were severely deprived youth who are no doubt still reeling from the effects.

7. Hopscotch

One of the top ten best playground games

If your children attend a school with a playground that does not include a pre-constructed hopscotch court, not to worry. Send them on their way with some sidewalk chalk and their as good as gold. Another great playground game that takes nothing but a rock or coin, a court and some kids with the need to burn energy.

6. Whiffle Ball

One of the top ten best playground games

Since playing baseball can get a bit dangerous in and around school grounds, at least for property, whiffle ball is the perfect solution. No need for gloves or cleats, just an oversized plastic bat and ball, a few coats for bases and you’ve got the kids’ version of Opening Day.

5. Flag Football

One of the top ten best playground games

This is a great playground game for both sides of this flag football coin. First, there’s flag football as it was intended to be. If no fancy flags are available, no worries. Simply remove your shoes, take off you socks and place one in each of your back pockets. Secondly, there’s the inevitable transition to tackle football that always seems to manifest itself if recess runs just a bit too long. Either way, one of the great playground games ever.

4. Simon Says

One of the top ten best playground games

For the more sedentary kids, or perhaps to wind down after a brutal game of 500, Simon Says fits the bill perfectly. If only we could get our kids to listen to us as well as they do playing Simon Says. In addition to a Top Ten playground game, this may be one for the whole family to play. Can’t you just hear them now, “Mom, you don’t have to say ‘Simon Says’ every time you ask me to clean my room.” Hey, whatever works.

3. Wall Ball

One of the top ten best playground games

Another playground game that requires very little to play; a bouncy ball and a wall are about it. Though, it is necessary to learn what watermelons, aces, gutters, waterfalls and ghosts are to play, and win, a game of Wall Ball. Trying to determine when to opt for the ghost move, as opposed to the watermelon or gutter, is something only the sharp, agile mind of a 9-year old is able to comprehend.

2. Tag

One of the top ten best playground games

Just give ‘em their health, and some room to roam, and we’re set for a game of tag. While the origins are uncertain, it’s quite likely this game was played by early cavechildren while waiting for the clan to return from a Mammoth hunt. When hasn’t this game been around? And, why not; it has everything. Running, dodging, screaming and the occasional “neener, neener” to incite the kid who’s It. Perfect.

1. Kick Ball

One of the top ten best playground games

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With elements of America’s Game, without the need for cleats for gloves, Kick Ball is the #1 playground game of all time, hands down. There is almost no limit to the number of kids who can play, the pitcher feeds you the perfect ball every time. If not, simply give the ball back and have her try again until she gets it right. Then, WHAM, kick that thing out of the park. Now that’s playground Americana at it’s finest.


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