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What are the Best Traditional Thanksgiving Dishes to Cook?

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Here is a list of traditional Thanksgiving dishes for your holiday table

Most Americans and Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in November and October of each year respectively. The holiday is best known for the consumption of a large meal among friends and family. Most of the dishes making up a traditional thanksgiving dinner are prepared from foods native to the indigenous peoples of the Americas. This is because the Pilgrims received many of these foods from the Natives during their pilgrimage to the New World.

The centerpiece of a traditional Thanksgiving meal is a cooked turkey. Roasted turkey which is usually cooked for several hours , and weighing several pounds is the main course. It is big in order to feed many hungry mouths. Of course, a traditional Thanksgiving feast will vary widely among cooks, chefs, and families. Everybody has their own likes, dislikes, cooking methods, and food preferences. Some cooks prefer a smoked turkey, while others add a beef roast to the table.

No matter your tastes, check out the following list of traditional Thanksgiving dishes. You can serve up your own delicious meal this holiday season.

Turkey and Stuffing

Free Cheerful multiethnic people having dinner together at table with roasted turkey while celebrating Thanksgiving Day Stock Photo
When you think of Thanksgiving dinner, the first thing you are likely to envision is a big, juicy turkey. In fact, the holiday is also Turkey Day for this reason. Thanksgiving turkeys are usually roasted, baked, or braised in the oven. It is stuffed with a tasty stuffing that typically consists of dried breadcrumbs, herbs, and spices. 

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Some alternative turkey prep recipes are becoming more popular, however. Deep-fried turkey and smoked turkey are appearing on more and more holiday tables. Meat-free options are becoming the norm, too. 

Many cooks will also add chopped veggies such as onions or mushrooms to stuffing with garlic for extra zing. Cooking the stuffing inside the turkey often tastes better than stove-top prepared stuffing as it soaks up the turkey’s juices and flavors.

Mashed Potatoes

No Thanksgiving turkey meal is complete without a side accompaniment of potatoes. Mashed potatoes is the preferred method of serving plain boiled white potatoes as they are often funner to eat when all mushed up, particularly by kids! Boil a pot of white or red potatoes and mash with a fork when cooked through enough to be soft.

Add flavoring to mashed potatoes by stirring in a tablespoon — depending on taste preferences — of butter for a creamy, melt-in-your-mouth taste that will have family and friends clamoring for seconds.

Green Beans

Free Brown and Black Coffee Beans Stock Photo
A holiday such as Thanksgiving doesn’t give you free rein to skip eating anything green or healthy for you. In fact, vegetables often form the foundation of many traditional Thanksgiving dishes. Green beans are a popular choice among many families because they can make in a number of preparations of it.

Try something as simple as crisp steamed beans to a more flavorful roasted green beans side dish that is drizzled with olive oil. Take the dish a step further by preparing a green bean casserole that consists of layering green beans with chopped potatoes, carrots, tomato sauce, and top with cheese.

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Thanksgiving desserts can range from mild, sweet, savory, simple, or a combination thereof to satisfy even the fussiest palate. Most traditional Thanksgiving dishes will boast a delicious pumpkin pie to celebrate the fall season. Sometimes, apple pie from freshly picked autumn apples makes the common thanksgiving dessert. Other tasty dessert ideas include pecan pie, sweet potato pie, or a Kugel. A Kugel is a sweet dessert pudding prepared by many Jewish cooks.

Millions of people enjoy Thanksgiving as a holiday! This is because it usually means a day off of work, a day spent with family, and a day to stuff oneself silly with food. Take advantage of the holiday and plan a menu of traditional dishes for a foodie holiday frenzy to remember.


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