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What should a girl wear to a Jimmy Buffett concert

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Here's what a girl should wear to a Jimmy Buffett concert to look cool

Here’s what a girl should wear to a Jimmy Buffett concert to look cool

Jimmy Buffett fans are pros at both dressing like devoted parrotheads and having a good time. From tailgating before the big the show, to singing along with old favorites, these concerts are all about the party. If you?ve never been to one you?re in for a fun treat.

First, we must talk clothes. Many first timers wonder what should a girl wear to a Jimmy Buffett concert. You can?t go wrong with the three Cs: casual, colorful and comfortable. This is good time, beachy music so dress like you?re going to the best beach party ever.

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You?ll fit right in with an Aloha shirt. That?s right, these aren?t just for men. Women wear them buttoned up or open with a tube or tank top underneath. Paired with white shorts or a white skirt and sandals and loose hair, you?ll look like a regular. If you want to go all out, slip on a grass skirt and pin a tropical flower in your hair (nobody needs to know it?s not real).


Who cares?

In the spirit of not caring what anybody thinks, throw on a big straw hat, a sailor?s hat or anything else you can find that?ll likely stay on your head. Nothing says “I?m off to dance to beach country rock music” like a crazy hat that makes you smile.


The most important answer to what should a girl wear to a Jimmy Buffett concert is a giant smile. You will stick out like a sore thumb if you forget to wear a smile. Everybody is happy at a Jimmy Buffet concert; it?s a fact. Throw on a garland of flowers or a lei, your favorite sunglasses and whatever else will keep you smiling till the first verse gets you swaying.

Comfortable shoes

What?s the first shoe that comes to mind when you think laid back comfort? That?s right, crocs. Flip-flips and sandals are wonderful too, but poor choices for any live music show where people dance and toes get stepped on. Crocs protect the toes. They?re also way more comfortable than naysayers imagine and they embody what it is to live carefree. 

Tee shirts

Tee shirts under Aloha shirts are a fairly common sight. These typically feature logos of beer brands, trucks or whatever else you like. Fans don?t judge unless you?re wearing jeans. Jeans are a big no, unless they?re in the form of shorts and underneath a grass skirt, of course.


One error first timers often make is dressing for the concert, not the party. Tailgating prior to the show is a huge part of why people have so much fun at the show. Remember, there are no opening bands or opening activities at a Buffett show. The party in the parking lot is where you meet fellow Parrotheads, show off your hula hooping skills and enjoy some fun in the sun.

Wear sunglasses and loads of sunscreen so you don?t have to squint the whole time or go home looking like a lobster.

Fanny pack

Fanny packs are hot again, didn?t you hear? Nothing accentuates your waist like a sack strapped around your middle. Okay, maybe they?re not the flirtiest of accessories, but they sure are useful. They?ll hold everything you need ? money, identification, extra leis and flamingo glasses ? while you?re arms stay free.

Now that you know what should a girl wear to a Jimmy Buffett concert, take note on a few Jimmy Buffett tour tips. Arrive about 4-5 hours before show time to thoroughly enjoy and soak in the scene. Enjoy, sing along when you want to and don?t forget that smile.


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