When multivitamins should be taken
By Catalogs Editorial Staff
Get healthy by learning when multivitamins should be taken
If you?re going to start taking multivitamins for all of their health benefits, you may be wondering when multivitamins should be taken.
The most important rule is that vitamin and mineral supplements can?t help you if you don?t remember to take them. As such, the best time of day to take your multivitamins is when you?re most likely to remember to take them.
Lots of people find it easiest to take their vitamins at the beginning of the day as part of their morning routine, along with breakfast. Additionally, taking your multivitamin alongside a meal may be necessary since some vitamins need to be taken in combination with a meal that contains fat calories. Many types of vitamins are ?fat-soluble.? This means that they only dissolve and are absorbed properly by your body when you take them with a fat. Therefore, if you take your vitamins in the morning with a fat-free breakfast, you could be defeating the purpose of consuming the vitamins in the first place.
Use your resources if you have questions. Doctors can allay any worries you may have by recommending which vitamins and supplements you should be taking and when.
Want to know when multivitamins should be taken? Here?s a comprehensive list of the best times to take specific vitamins, minerals, and multivitamins.
Vitamin A

Vitamin A maintains your vision, organs, and reproductive system. Take your vitamin A supplement whenever is most convenient, since there isn?t any deciding factor on whether it is better to take in the morning or evening. It is fat-soluble and so should be taken with a meal including fat.
B Vitamin
B vitamins help your body function properly, and a deficit leads to increased tiredness. In extreme cases, confusion and anemia can occur.
Although B vitamins are water-soluble, they may be easier on your digestion system to take with a meal. Opt to take them in the morning with breakfast. If you don?t find that disturb your regular sleep patterns, however, feel free to take them at night, instead.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps your immune system function, while protecting your cells. It is water-soluble so doesn?t need to be taken with food, however some people report upset stomachs and diarrhea if taken on an empty stomach.
This vitamin helps your body absorb iron better, so be sure to take it at the same time as any iron supplements you have.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D, often called the ?sunshine vitamin,? keeps your immune system functioning, builds your bones, and carries messages through your nerves. When your skin is exposed to the sun your body produces vitamin D. For those who lack or aren?t able to receive sun exposure, they may need to take supplemental vitamin D.
As a fat-soluble vitamin, it is best taken with a fatty meal. Luckily this can be at any point in the day?whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner?since absorption isn?t time dependent.
Vitamin E

Vitamin E protects your cells from damage, boosts your immune system, and helps prevent blood clots. Deficiencies in this vitamin can result in nerve damage, vision problems, and a weakened immune system.
This vitamin is fat-soluble and needs to be taken with a fat-containing food. Otherwise, there?s no evidence that taking it at any particular time of day is better or worse.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K assists in building strong bones, helps blood clot, protects against cancer, and fights diabetes.
Another fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin K must be taken with a meal. Again, there?s no best or worst time of day to take it.
Adults and children over the age of four need between 1,000 to 1,300 milligrams of calcium per day. Unfortunately, many people don?t get enough calcium, an important mineral that builds strong bones.
Divide your dosage of calcium throughout the day for the best absorption. Your body won?t absorb more than 500 milligrams of calcium at one time, so you?ll likely take your calcium at several points in the day?morning and evening.
Magnesium is a mineral that regulates nerve function, controls blood pressure, and builds bone. A magnesium deficiency can result in loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue, and weakness.
Out of all the minerals you can take, magnesium is one of the best to take at night. It promotes a sound, restful sleep when taken at bedtime.
Multivitamins are a combination of the most important vitamins and minerals in a single easy-to-take daily tablet. Many multivitamins include some B vitamins, vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, as well as zinc, selenium, and copper.
Nearly one-third of Americans take daily multivitamins, since they?re an excellent source of a number of recommended vitamins and minerals.
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Although there isn?t a best time to take your multivitamin, they need to be taken with food, since at least one of the vitamins it contains is most likely fat-soluble. Additionally, some multivitamins may cause stomach aches when taken on an empty stomach.