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The big day is coming! You’ve waited 18 years for this moment. Share your pride with friends and family using Pear Tree’s stylish, ready-made designs to create custom graduation invitations, graduation announcements and coordinating graduation thank you cards. Add photos, choose colors and fonts, or create your own message to make a graduation card that is unique as your graduate. It’s easy, surprisingly affordable, and will look fabulous when finished, it’s a Pear Tree promise.^

There is a moment, it happens every day, that makes us feel like kids on Christmas morning. The anticipation of something unexpected, something special. This moment happens just before opening the mailbox, hoping for the envelope that’s a little thicker, feels a little softer, and isn’t branded with bulk mail bar codes. Wishing for a Christmas, Birthday or Graduation card, just for you.

The team at Pear Tree Greetings believe in this moment. They believe that lives should be shared, with style, at prices you can afford. From custom graduation invitations to birth announcements and milestone birthday greetings, they believe in the power of connection. They believe in that magic moment, the pause, that makes us all just a little giddy.

The story is in all of us. The story that bonds us. The story of You, Shared.

Pear Tree Greetings.

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Pear Tree Greetings 2024 Coupons, News & More


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