offers a vast array of cigars online, unique cigar gifts, and cigar humidors. They feature an impressive Cigar of the Month Club and a large variety of samplers & thoughtful cigar gifts, such as elegant lighters, import cigar sales, and cigar humidors sure to please the most discriminating cigar smoker.
They pride themselves on providing the very best variety of cigars online, with expert customer service you just won’t find in most local cigar stores. If you can’t find an item, let your own private tobacco specialist at find it for you. From a single cigar to the largest cigar humidor, you won’t be let down by the professional cigar sales specialists at one of the Internet’s best cigar companies.
Bringing a pet into your home is like adopting a child. Although you don’t need to worry about expenses like school and clothing, there are still costs to consider. Most owners have budgeted for basic care, but what about those unforeseen events that threaten the wellbeing of your fur child?
There are ten basic hiking essentials that no hiker should ever be without.