Annie’s Craft Store Catalog offers a wide range of creative opportunities in one convenient location. In addition to knitting and crochet patterns and supplies, you’ll also discover quilting and sewing designs as well as yarn and fabric. Cross-stitch, card-making, paper crafts, beading, and plastic canvas patterns and tools are all available.
Crafters on the go may use Annie’s simple Stitch Guides and discover more about Annie’s easy craft kit subscription services. You’ll enjoy looking through our patterns, books, periodicals, kit clubs, and more if you enjoy knitting, crocheting, quilting, or sewing.
To request your Annie’s Craft Store Catalog, fill out our Catalog Request Form and you’ll receive your free copy of + Annie’s Craft Store with no shipping costs.
Annie’s Craft Store Catalog is filled with books, quilting, knitting, crochet, and quilting craft supplies. Books with knitting lessons for beginners or experts, books of cross stitch instructions, bead projects, or Christmas craft ideas, and every kind of craft and supply and tool you can imagine.
Do you love shopping at Annie’s Craft Store Catalog? Check out these fantastic catalogs just like Annie’s Craft Store Catalog, check out Herrschners Catalog Catalog, The Stitchery Catalog, Webs Catalog, and The Fabric Fairy Catalog.
From crochet to knitting to quilting to sewing and cross-stitch, you’ll find all your craft supplies and book needs in Annie’s Craft Store Catalog. Books on knitting, plastic canvas, and making unique needlework Christmas gifts are all on sale!
Annie’s Craft Store sells a wide range of home and family-oriented products, including quilting, various textile crafts, knitting, crocheting, sewing, and home décor, as well as television programs and online classes.
There are over 1,800 high-quality craft classes and instructional videos available to subscribers each month. This includes lessons on anything from quilting to crocheting to sewing to home decorating. There are also 1,450+ FREE printable patterns available. For a modest monthly fee, you may watch a growing library of professional educational films on your tablet, phone, computer, or smart TV, all from the convenience of your home.
Do you have a soft spot for crocheting? We’ve got this covered! Choose from our selection of crochet-specific subscription kits that you may wear, distribute, or even gift to charities. Monthly opportunities to produce one-of-a-kind handcrafted items keep your hands busy and your talents sharp.
When it comes to sweaters, nothing beats knitting due to the fine detail and endless color combinations. Knit and purl are two fundamental stitches that may be used alone or in combination to create a plethora of other stitches. Knitting necessitates the use of two needles and a single strand of yarn. Starting with a slip knot on one needle, you’ll “cast on” the desired amount of stitches. (Creating the foundation row on a single needle is referred to as knitting the foundation row.) Stitches are made by winding yarn around one needle and pulling it through loops on the other needle. Visit our online store to get cheap knitting and crocheting supplies today!
Because quilting is an art form, it’s difficult to determine exactly what equipment you’ll need to complete your first project. In addition, whether you’re a seasoned quilter or just getting started, technology is always introducing new approaches to stitching. All of your quilting needs may be met with a visit to the Annie’s Craft Store Catalog.
In order to complete your sewing area, look no further than the selection at Annie’s. In addition to sewing machines, they provide a wide range of sewing project materials and accessories. Shop for your sewing room’s thread, buttons, and zippers at Annie’s! Annie’s also has a wide range of designs for clothing and crafts, as well as foam and fiber to round out any interior design scheme.
Starting a new project is easy with the creative supplies from Annie’s. Shop for crochet, knitting, quilting, sewing, card making, papercrafts, needlework, plastic canvas, beading, and other arts & crafts materials.
Annie’s makes it simple to buy craft items. You’ll often see suggestions for craft items while looking at patterns on Annie’s website. You’ll discover yarn options, for example, on the same pages as crochet or knitting designs, so you don’t have to guess which sort of yarn and gauge is ideal for the design.
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Can I place my order by phone? Yes, you can! Just call us at (800) 582-6643, Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays, CT. You can also mail your order to us at Annie’s, P.O. Box 8000, Big Sandy, TX 75755. |
Can I change my order? Our goal is to ship your order as soon as possible. Therefore, we are unable to change your order once you have submitted it and before it is shipped. |
How long does it take to receive my order? Orders take between 6-8 business days to be received. Customers in Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories should expect delivery times of 2-4 weeks. Customers in Canada should expect delivery times of up to 4 weeks. Please see below for shipping time for drop ship items. |
How long does it take to receive my drop-shipped order (coming directly from the manufacturer)? Some items are shipped directly from the manufacturer. These items can take a little longer to be delivered. You’ll find the delivery information specific to your product in the product description. |
How do I know if you received my order and when it has shipped? If you have provided us with your email address, you will receive an email confirmation when we receive your order and when your order is shipped. |
Why is sales tax added to the shipping and processing on my order? The individual states tell us that we must tax shipping and processing charges. This is not a company policy but a state requirement. |
Why is GST tax added to my order? As a GST registrant, we are required by the Canada Revenue Agency to collect and remit GST for all products (print and electronic) delivered to Canadian addresses. Our GST/HST number is 89817 7290 RT0001. |
Can I track my order? Most orders can be tracked in shipment. If you provided your email address to us, we’ll send you an email when your order is shipped which includes the tracking number. Just click on that number to find out where your order is. A few orders are shipped via first-class mail and can’t be tracked. |
Do you ship orders overseas? We are not able to ship physical product to addresses outside of the U.S. and Canada. International customers can purchase many of our patterns in electronic download format directly from our site. |
Returns policy Your complete satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are not pleased with your purchase for any reason, return the item within 90 days for an exchange, credit or refund. If the item is damaged, please notify customer service. |
Do you carry…? Our catalog is updated frequently. You can search our website to locate the product. Do you have product suggestions? We’d love to hear from you! Just click here to go to our online form. |
I requested a catalog and haven’t received it yet. How long does it take? You should receive your catalog within 8 weeks after your request is made. You can always see our latest catalog online. |
I have moved and need to change my address. You can change your address by using this online form or by mail at P.O. Box 8000, Big Sandy, TX 75755. Please be sure to include your old and new address along with your address change request. You can also call us at 1-800-282-6643 to make the request. |
How do I return a product? Send the product and a copy of your receipt which includes all of your account information to: Annie’s P.O. Box 8000 Big Sandy, TX 75755 |
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