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Request Hitching Post Steaks Catalog

Who needs to go to a steak house for dinner when you can buy steaks online conveniently and directly from the Hitching Post. From tender Filet Mignon steak to a rack of flavorful Barbeque Ribs, if you like meat and steak, you’ll love online BBQ2YOU.^

  • Buy steaks online! – For the most delicious steak recipes online, go on a total steak out with steaks from the Hitching Post! With fully prepared steak dinners that come delivered to your door ready to heat and serve, choose from an online steak menu of Filet Mignon Steak, New York Strip steak, Tri-Tip Pot Roast and more! Once you’ve tasted steak from the Hitching Post, you’ll want to buy steaks online in bulk!
  • Filet Mignon Steak~ – Listen up steak lovers! Known as the absolute King of steak cuts, place an online order for a fully prepared Filet Mignon steak that will melt in your mouth! Why wait in a steak restaurant for hours when you can treat yourself to a succulent Hitching Post Steak house Dinner in twenty minutes or less, right at your very own dinner table! You deserve a steak dinner that’s fit for a King, don’t you?
  • Barbeque ribs – You say barbecue ribs, I say barbeque ribs. Don’t call the whole thing off. Whether you spell it barbeque, barbecue, or BBQ, Hitching Post Products has got the ribs for you! If you’re not up for steak, order up a rack of barbeque ribs that are open flame barbequed over a Red Oak Fire Pit, not to mention perfectly seasoned. For a meal that’ll really stick to your ribs, you’re in for a treat with the Hitching Post. One thing, don’t forget to hook yourself up with some bold and zesty barbeque sauce to smother those ribs or steak with!
  • New York strip steak – For the ultimate combination of flavor and tenderness, sink your teeth into an eight ounce New York Strip Steak seasoned, basted, and barbequed Santa Maria Style! Tender juicy steak, just ready for your plate. Pair your New York strip steak with some scrumptious sides featured on their online menu like grilled vegetables or West Coast artichokes for a completely well balanced meal you’ll savor for days.
  • Lobster tails – If you’re craving a surf and turf dinner, it’s only a click away at the Hitching Post! Featuring two 6oz Filet Mignon steaks, two 8oz Australian Lobster Tails (8oz. with shell prior to cooking), perfectly seasoned grilled veggies, and the Hitching Post’s famous Garlic Mini Loaf. Why wait for Valentine’s Day to enjoy the ultimate romantic dinner?

BBQ2YOU. The Hitching Post’s World Famous Santa Maria Style BBQ brings you fully prepared meals, premium steaks, lobster tails, and ribs delivered right to your doorstep. Whether you’re a meat and potatoes kind of beef eater, an upscale Filet Mignon steak connoisseur, or a Lobster tail lover, for a steak or rib meal to remember Hitching Post Products really serves it up.

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