5 Wellness Trends to Jump Onboard for the New Year
By Catalogs Editorial Staff
There isn’t anything new about wellness trends. People have been trying all kinds of trends to improve their physical as well as mental health for quite a few years now. Some stick with these trends, some try them for a few days before forgetting about them, and some are too busy to even think about them. However, the past year gave everyone a multitude of reasons to focus on their health.
Whether it was dealing with all the stress caused by the pandemic or just all the extra time everyone had while staying locked inside their houses, they started taking a more holistic approach to their overall well-being. Instead of working out to the point of exhaustion and finding the quickest ways to achieve picture-perfect abs, many people have started to factor in what really makes them feel healthy and happy.
With the New Year making way for fresh beginnings, it is a good idea to carry this attitude with you for a better year and a better life ahead.
Following are a few wellness trends that you should consider in 2024.
1. Mindful and Intuitive Eating

For a long time, people have been cutting out entire food groups from their diets in order to eat healthy. In reality, however, giving up on fat or cards usually does more damage than good. All three macronutrients – proteins, carbohydrates, and fat – are essential to promote good health. Demonizing one of these can mess up our internal system and lead to some major issues later in life. Supplements, such as Nature City, can help you maintain the balance of your body’s nutrients.
So if you’ve found yourself in such traps, this is a good time to steer away from restrictive dieting. Instead, being mindful and intuitive about what you put on your plate can prove to be much healthier for you. Embrace food in all its forms by paying attention to its nutrient content and calories. As long as you’re eating healthy food within a calorie limit, you can easily achieve a healthy lifestyle. Just make sure to limit or completely avoid processed and junk food, as they usually have too many calories and not enough nutrients to go with them.
2. Simpler Skincare

If you’ve always dreaded long and complex routines to clean, hydrate, and nourish your skin, then we’ve got good news for you – those 10-step skincare routines are a thing of the past. When the lockdown was imposed, and people were forced to stay away from salons and spa services, they started investing in heaps of beauty and skincare products to try all the DIY at-home skincare trends.
However, after a year of experimenting, most people have figured out that most of these products are too much to handle and don’t provide any significant benefits. In fact, applying too many products on your face can actually damage the skin’s moisture barriers, leaving people skeptical about such products. Not only is a simpler yet consistent skincare routine more affordable and easier to follow, but it is also more effective at keeping your skin nourished and healthy.
3. Cellular Fitness

To say that 2022 has been the most stressful year for most of the population currently alive would still be an understatement. However, there is still a good thing that came out of all this stress and anxiety. A new range of programs has been developed that measure your stress levels and build an exercise routine around them. The purpose is to understand when your body is close to burnout and prevent you from placing further unnecessary stress on yourself. This is one of the wellness trends that work.
However, it also encourages you to push yourself for another rep when your body can legitimately manage to do so. Various gym equipment can help with cellular stress, including the ProForm Fitness Gear. Taking this approach can help a lot of people stick to their workout routines for the long term, as it will enable them to be more attuned to the needs and limits of their bodies.
4. Touchless Spa Services

Remember the days when you could just pop in for a massage without worry as a quick way to distress? Well, the coronavirus took that away from us almost instantly. It is now impossible to get a massage without the fear of virus contamination. Nearly six in ten Americans have admitted that they are reluctant in getting high-touch services such as massages during the pandemic.
This has made way for touchless services like salt caves, compression therapy, infrared saunas, cryotherapy, hyperbaric chambers, float tanks, and IV drips to become popular. They give consumers a way to relax and recover without any unnecessary human contact. Since people need a way to de-stress, these touchless spa services should definitely be on everyone’s wellness bucket list.
5. Community Self-Care

The biggest innovation in wellness trends in 2023 may be the shift from self-care to community care. Our society has been suffering from some major systemic inequalities and flaws for an extended period of time. However, the pandemic has exposed these underlying issues in ways that aren’t ignorable anymore. We have started to recognize that it is our responsibility to do something within our power to address these issues.
A growing awareness that helping other people is the greatest way to internal happiness may cause us to reframe wellness to something that is for all and not just for me. People are now prioritizing giving back by using their power to address systemic issues in their owns lives, communities, and workplaces, while also donating time and skills for this purpose.
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For most of us, 2024 is about regaining what 2022 took away. We’re trying to find new ways to take care of ourselves and the people around us. However, this is also a great opportunity to find ways to be even better versions of ourselves than we were before the pandemic happened. By approaching these accessible wellness trends, you can recover from the distress caused in the last year to make way for a better year ahead.