Did you see that car?
By Test Author

I remember the first time I saw a Classic Mustang, I must have been 15 years old, and I fell in love with it immediately. The shape, the color, the sound the engine made as it rolled down the street past me, everything about it was perfect. I knew it was an older car, and the first thought in my mind was how does this old car still look and sound new?
This is how my passion for restoring old Mustangs began. As a kid, I didn’t have enough money to buy an old car or enough money to even restore it. Yet, that did not stop me from learning all I could about the Classic Ford Mustang. I got my hands on everything I could to read up about them. Out of books, magazines, and other publications, the best source to learn more about this beautiful classic car was Parts Catalogs.

Companies like Classic Industries put out parts catalogs for a bunch of classic cars. Everything from Impala Full Size, Nova/Chevy II, Tri-Five Chevy, GMC Trucks, Mopar, Camaros and you guessed it Ford Mustangs. They are a great resource for classic car parts.
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By looking through these parts catalogs, I learned about the car’s parts and where they belong in the car. I also learned about pricing and how to figure out a budget. I was able to estimate how much money I would need to upgrade or update a section of the car. Whether I was considering working on the head lights or part of the interior, I had all the information I needed to set myself up for any future project imaginable.