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Lap Dogs for Little Dog Lovers

By Editorial Staff

When searching for a new pet to buy or adopt it is important to consider exactly what kind of personality you want in your new forever friend.

If you are looking for a good lap dog then let this Top Ten Lap Dogs list be your guide to finding that warm, cuddle little ray of sunshine to cuddle up with after a long day.

10. Maltese

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maltese lap dog

Maltese dogs are small Mediterranean toy dogs that make great lap dogs due to their small size and people-friendly disposition. They are known to be energetic and a bit stubborn like many small dogs, but they are also loyal and have long life spans.

9. Pug

Pugs are some of the most popular lap dogs today. People love them because of their trainability, friendliness, and adorable little upturned noses. However, it is important that you consider your expertise as a pet owner because this breed is known to require some special care.

8. Shih Tzu

shih tzu lap dog

Shih Tzus, sometimes called Chrysanthemum, are another dog from the toy family, widely believed to originate from Tibet. They are generally well tempered but must be trained and socialized from an early age.

7. Pekingese

pekingnese lap dog

These dogs are known as lion dogs in China, though this is probably due more to their beautiful manes than any other trait. Pekingese dogs are some of the smallest in the world, with an average weight of around ten and half pounds and average height of about seven and half inches making them perfect lap dogs and travel companions!

6. Chihuahua

chihuahua lap dog

Chihuahuas are popular pretty much everywhere in the Western Hemisphere. They are known for their energy, but usually calm quickly with the presence of their pet parent. Chihuahuas are great for city living and prefer small, cozy spaces.

5. Pomeranian

pomeranian lap dog

Pomeranians are toy dogs originating from central Europe. They are friendly with people but are known to have contentious relationships with other dogs. They are fine lap dogs and considered to be great for families with children as they are both compact and sturdy.

4. King Charles Spaniel

king charles lap dog

King Charles Spaniels are every bit as stately and well mannered as their name suggests. Their small size and luscious coats make them the perfect choice for your next lap dog!

3. Rat Terrier

rat terrier lap dog

Rat Terriers are, like many terriers, known to be a bit rambunctious. That being said, they are very human friendly and can remain docile for fairly long periods of time. With their big hearts and big personalities these little lap dogs will make themselves an integral part of your household in no time.

2. Miniature Schnauzer

schnauzer lap dog

Fearless but friendly, always on the alert and ready for anything; this dog is almost too good to be true. These dogs are popular not only because of their temperament and trainability, they are also low maintenance and have very long average life spans.

1. Italian Greyhound

italian greyhound lap dog

I bet you weren’t expecting to see a dog this big on this particular list! Despite their larger size, Italian greyhounds love to cuddle up and lay across people’s laps. These athletic and feisty dogs have a softer calmer side to them that makes them as fine a lap dog as any toy spaniel or schnauzer.

This list of the Top Ten Lap Dogs should provide you with a starting point for your pet search. Luckily these days many pet adoption networks have websites that allow you to search by breed and adopt straight from the previous owner, so why not check out one of these beautiful lap dogs!

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