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10 Fastest and Natural Ways to Fall Asleep

By Editorial Staff

Contributed by Info Guru Aurora LaJambre

We’re all due for one restless night on occasion.

It happens, annoying as it is. But if you have to battle your mind to rest every night, if a full night’s sleep is no longer a given in your life, it’s time to take action.

Your body and mind need rest or the immune system crumbles. These natural ways to fall asleep will get you doing it in no time.

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10. Aromatherapy

Sweet dreams come to those who use essential oils and aromatherapy, natural sleep aids that soothe the mind and ease physical tension. You can spray sleep serum on your pillow and linens and use it as a facial mist just before lying down. Add oils of lavender or rose to a sudsy bath an hour or so before bedtime or use a sleep mask along with a calming scent.

9. Awesome pajamas

fall asleep
Nothing tells the body it’s pajama time like a pair of soft, comfortable pajamas. Whether you go for fleece, flannel or Jersey knit, treat yourself to a pair of PJs you’ll want to wear all day. Maybe your family won’t be too happy about your new all-jammies all the time wardrobe, but it’s a small price to pay for guaranteed natural ways to fall asleep.

8. Cherry juice

Melatonin is a natural hormone produced by the pineal gland. Small doses are known to make you drowsy. It’s available over the counter, but cherry juice is also rich in it. Make this your new nightcap of choice.

7. Yoga

fall asleep
Numerous scientific studies, including a recent one from Harvard Medical School, link 30-40 minute yoga sessions to decreased insomnia symptoms. Additionally, the quality of sleep improves with a regular yoga practice, which is especially critical for cancer survivors and others working their way back to health.

6. Toe curls

This isn’t a trick. Like deep breathing, toe curls give the mind and body something relaxing to focus on. Hold each curl for a few seconds and do it again and again until a deep sleep catches hold of you.

5. Herbal Tea

fall asleep
Never underestimate the drowse-inducing powers of a warm cup of herbal tea. Chamomile gets a lot of attention in this department, but if you don’t like flowery flavor, try mint instead.

4. Blackout the room

fall asleep
Sometimes even the slightest amount of light – the red glow from your alarm clock or the street light just outside your window – is enough to throw off your circadian rhythms. Light tells your body it’s not time to sleep yet. Blackout shades or a sleep mask eliminate such distractions.

3. A warm soak

That’s right. A warm bath may just want the Sandman ordered. There’s no better way to relax your muscles and tell your nervous system to calm down for a while. Slip into a warm, luxurious bath with products that pamper your senses about an hour before bed so your body temperature cools down before you get under the covers.

2. Meditation

Stress and worries trouble the mind, and a troubled mind is a big jerk. If you’ve never tried meditating before, now is the time. Start small, 5 minutes at a time, and make a nightly routine of it. Calm your brain by focusing on each deep breath. Mindful meditation practice is one of the most effective natural ways to fall asleep. It teaches you how to control emotions and put troubled thoughts away till morning when you can actually do something about them.

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1. Exercise like you mean it

Work your butt off at the gym and your body will be too tired to let your brain talk it into staying up. Do this often and regularly and you simply won’t have the energy to toss and turn all night. If you don’t love the gym, pick up running, cycling, or an activity that appeals to you.


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