Tips to Become a Better Teacher
By Editorial Staff
by Info Guru Susan Lee
Children are the future in our society and educators are a crucial aspect in providing students with the skills and qualities needed for success as productive adults.
Engaging a young mind requires special connections with the instructor possessing incredible teaching methods. Developing those plans comes from your own excellence in your education, excessive research, networking with other teachers and through life experiences in the classroom.
A teacher is more than just a conveyor of knowledge and information but one that portrays many other roles for students. First and foremost, you are seen as a role model for those you are teaching. Additionally, your many other functions include disciplinarian, classroom manager, counselor, decision-maker, communicator, evaluator, and often times, a surrogate parent. If you do not possess the special personality and temperament, you could be among the forty percent who fail within the first five years as an educator. If you love children and have a passion for being successful, consider the top ten tips to become a better teacher.
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10. Be passionate about your role as an educator
To be successful as an educator, it is crucial that you possess a passion and love for teaching enquiring minds of all ages. Some teachers choose the profession for all the wrong reasons and do not fully enjoy what the role. Kids are very intuitive and can sense whether you possess the passion or not, putting you to the test. You are the prime example as a leader to those youngsters, and you can only lead if you are open-minded, full of passion and always learning new methods to teach effectively.
9. Exude patience, understanding and a caring attitude
Students in a classroom surrounded by their peers will require extreme understanding and patience. As an educator, these are critical qualities necessary to be successful in teaching and interacting with your kids. When getting involved with the students, it is difficult to understand what occurs in their lives outside of school. Despite your inner need to care, it is important that you do not cross that fine line. You can learn a balance that will exude attention and encourage the kids to achieve their goals. Sometimes a good sense of humor goes a long way in the education process. Build a relationship with the children. With the many hours spent in the classroom, you are a primary role model for interpersonal relationships while demanding respect, communication, and cooperation. In addition to the rapport with students, you need to also keep your cool with parents, co-workers, and administrators.
8. Look and act professional at all times
Always look professional on the job and wear comfortable shoes. You don’t want to show up messy and tattered. As a leader and role model, you are preparing the students to face the world as a productive adult. You must look the part as a leader, be detail oriented and manage your time wisely.
7. View yourself to determine your flaws and assets in the classroom
In your early years of teaching, it is important that you view yourself in your element to take note as to how you come across in the classroom. Look in a mirror to see the reflection of the person responsible for those in the classroom. Students react to how you come across since you are clearly responsible for the running of your classroom. Evaluate behaviors of your students through daily notes of every behavior and problem you encounter. The purpose is to analyze what contributes to each issue and how or what you could do to avert the problem. In time, you will learn methods of controlling your classroom and engaging with your students.
6. Be prepared to teach all Levels of Students
When deciding to become an educator, you may have chosen to specialize in primary, secondary, special or higher education due to the temperament of the children in each unique category. It is, however, beneficial to you to be equipped to educate kids of all levels, relating to their unique learning style. You open yourself to higher success when you can vary your skills and personality to teach children from primary age on up.
5. Surround yourself with positivity and a mentor
If you want to be confident and fruitful in your role as an educator, surround yourself with other teachers who are positive in nature. It is also beneficial to have a mentor either from college or in your teaching career that can help you see your good qualities, is a great listener, willing to help you and show you how to be patient have control in your classroom and respected by students.
4. Demand respect from your students
Set high expectations for your students and demand nothing less. Never take anything for granted. Be consistent, set rules with good follow-through habits and be fair in your teaching. Show the kids respect, and they will respond in the same manner. Present yourself as a leader and the students will be engaged.
3. Be organized, effective and fair in the classroom
Organization is crucial in the running of your classroom. Start each day and end it with a clean, neat desk. Plan the day and lessons ahead of time and carry through in a manner that is essential to the understanding of the students. Assess their abilities according to performance and not personal qualities. Use your own common sense in daily issues, policies, instructional procedures and the curriculum. Despite intense planning, always be prepared for the unknown by being more proactive rather than adaptive.
2. Relate to your students
Although you don’t want to cross that line between a professional and personal level with your students, it is crucial that you find a way to relate to each one in some manner. Find a mutual interest on an individual level and engage the student to show you do take notice of what is important to them. As you relate to them, push for perfection and challenge them. Most often, teachers that present more challenges and higher expectations are the ones students remember for years to come. Methods of teaching vary from student to student, utilizing different learning techniques and strategies that will help them relate, engage in and grasp what you are teaching.
1. Never stop challenging yourself
Continue to challenge yourself through continuing education and classes. Always seek out new educational tools and current technology. Times are continually changing, but you want to stay current with better teaching strategies for today’s enquiring minds.
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It takes a special person to become an educator, working under pressure to shape minds and student performance. Engaging in the top ten tips to become a better teacher can help you focus on the needs of the kids in the classroom. You learn how to adapt to each student and their skill level. Being successful also involves interactions with parents, attending school meetings, after school committees, as well as helping with assignments, projects, and homework after hours. Be prepared to start your day early and stay late. You have made a commitment to excellence and sacrifice in education.