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Why take fish oil?

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Why take fish oil? Because it is tremendously beneficial!

Why take fish oil? Because it is tremendously beneficial!

Why take fish oil? A better question might be, “Why NOT?” Let us count the many reasons why general health benefits from fish oil.

Fish oil provides a multitude of health benefits to humans, including assisting in the treatment of depression, high cholesterol, heart disease, cancer, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), diabetes, arthritis, AIDS, irritable bowel disorder, inflammation, macular degeneration and eye disorders, Alzheimer?s and ulcers.

This health food supplement also helps weight loss and psoriasis and acne. It may even increase fertility and benefit pregnancy.

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Fish oil consists of Omega 3 essential fatty acids, as well as other fatty acids that are good for the body, making it a vital element.

When you eat salmon, sardines, and tuna you consume this healthy substance. The best seafood to eat includes herring, mackerel, black trout, rainbow trout, herring, sea bass, halibut, albacore tuna, yellow fin tuna, blue fin tuna, swordfish, oysters, salmon, turbot, pilchard and anchovies. These beneficial nutrients are also available as supplements.

Omega 3 lessens the incidence of heart disease, according to the AHA (American Heart Association). Omega 3 keeps bad cholesterol levels down, while increasing levels of good cholesterol. Fish oil prevents triglycerides from accumulating and diminishes the levels of triglycerides when there are too many in the bloodstream.


If you are attempting to lose weight and are exercising in conjunction with watching your diet, this specific supplement will heighten the effects that exercise has on your body. You will lose more weight compared to those who don?t take the supplement or who don’t consume seafood regularly.

A weak immune system puts you at risk of contracting every disease-causing virus. Fish oil enhances immunity, helping the body stay healthy and not succumb to colds, the flu and coughs.

In patients afflicted with Lupus, this supplement has proved helpful thwarting the condition’s attacks on the immune system. Fever, skin rashes and fatigue associated with Lupus are also less likely to occur.

Blood circulates freely in a healthy body, and consuming fish oil consistently aids the natural healthy functioning of the circulatory system.

Fish oil is being used as a treatment for AIDS, showing great promise.

Anyone who suffers from blood and tissue inflammation is well advised to take this supplement because it quells the inflammation. Gastrointestinal disorders respond well to fish oil, which is particularly good for those suffering from Crohn?s Disease. These people have difficulty absorbing fats, vitamins and essential supplements but they are able to take and absorb this supplement.

Are you limping around because of arthritis? Take supplements and eat a diet rich in fish to eliminate some of the pain you experience. Certain enzymes in the body destroy cartilage. When taking this supplement the damage that these enzymes do is contained.

Arthritis sufferers that eat fish oil or take the supplement may not require as much non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) drugs.

It has been discovered by scientists and researchers that this supplement has promise in treating those with depression, stress, sadness, restlessness, anxiety, mental fatigue, suicidal tendencies and diminished sexual desire. It has a mood stabilizing effect.

It is also being used to treat Alzheimer?s disease, which is becoming rampant.

Children and adults plagued with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder appear to benefit from fish oil supplements because it stabilizes them emotionally and enables them to concentrate. The supplements also lessen impulsive behavior. .

Your eyes can benefit from taking this type of supplement with improved vision. Your skin?s appearance will also improve because the surface cells will maintain more moisture, which makes skin look and feel better.

If you are pregnant, ask your obstetrician if you should be taking this kind of supplement, which may help to avoid premature births, miscarriages and prevent post-partum depression. Do not eat cod liver oil while pregnant, which contains too much vitamin A and retinol.

Hair looks more bountiful and luxurious when consuming fish oil, which prevents hair loss and prompts the growth of new hair.

Consult your phsycian before adding any supplement to your diet. Never take excessive doses because this can result in side effects and allergies. Always ask your physician how much you should be consuming.


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