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Get more bouquet bang for your buck with the freshest, most beautiful and affordable flowers available, only from Teleflora Flowers.^

  • Birthday – Make their upcoming birthday as special as the day they were born with stunning bday bouquets that will celebrate any recipient no matter how many candles are topping their cake. Shop a floral frenzy of arrangements designed specifically to salute him or her, your favorite kids, parents, colleagues and more. Whether they’re reaching a milestone decade, celebrating their Sweet 16, Quinceañera or Bar Mitzvah, their faces will light up when they receive a special delivery at their office or front door. Save on your next birthday delivery with an extra special Teleflora coupon code and add an extra burst of birthday joy with a balloon, tasty chocolates or a plush stuffed animal that will make any bouquet that much better.
  • Occasions – No matter if it’s a federal holiday, Teacher Appreciation Day, Date Night or Prom Night, Teleflora is your source for special occasion and special event flowers. Shop conveniently by occasion with options for all of the holidays highlighting your calendar, as well as everyday arrangements that say I’m Sorry, Thank You, Thinking of You, I Love You, Congratulations, and more. When you choose Teleflora flowers, the floral skies are the limit — you can wish them a speedy recovery, welcome a new baby/family to the neighborhood, or make your dream Wedding a reality, simply with a phone call or a just few quick clicks.
  • Flowers – Find their favorite flowers by type, color or by season. You can’t go wrong with stunning arrangements of Calla Lilies and Carnations, romantic Roses and Hydrangeas or day brightening Daisies and Dahlias. Whether your recipient has a preference for Peonies, a soft spot for Sunflowers or a never ending love of Lilies and Orchids, they’ll receive a beyond perfect bouquet that is expertly hand-arranged and hand-delivered, arriving in a beautiful keepsake vase or container to house future blossoms and arrangements. Don’t forget to use your exclusive Teleflora promotion code to save bunches on every bouquet.
  • Plants & Gifts – Let them know you’re thinking of them with more than just flowers. Teleflora also delivers an all occasion assortment of gift baskets that will convey your sentiments while warming their hearts. From gourmet gift baskets filled with healthy fruits, snacks or decadent chocolates to indoor plants and exotic tropical orchids, you’ll find just the right offering to honor any occasion. Choose the right plant or gift basket type from a collection of bestselling customer favorites that are appropriate for corporate occasions, holidays and housewarmings, and tasteful baskets that will express your deepest sympathy.

Teleflora Flowers is proud to serve as your trusted vendor for local flower delivery. Enjoy a link to the most gifted florists in your area that will help you create the ultimate handpicked, freshly cut arrangement or gift to fit any event, personality, style and budget.

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