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Corwin Press, dedicated to “Helping Educators Do Their Work Better,” was established in 1990 as an affiliate of SAGE publishers to provide teaching solutions for PreK-12 educators. Corwin Press teaching resources, textbooks and multimedia products range from very practical, experience-based resources to more reflective or research-based titles, and are written for a diverse set of professionals – school principals, district administrators, specialists, teachers, counselors, consultants, teacher educators and college-level students.^

  • Teaching Curriculum & Instruction – Effective curriculum and instruction form the foundation of any educational program.~ Corwin press offers teaching resources in differentiated instruction, brain-compatible learning, literacy and reading, mathematics, science, social studies, and more, to help educators design a high-quality education program that prepares learners for bright, successful futures.
  • Teaching resources – Teaching is a demanding—but rewarding—profession. Corwin offers teaching resources that make the job easier. Their books and teaching textbooks are full of tips, tricks, and new strategies from expert educators for managing a classroom and making sure students are learning every day.
  • Administration & Leadership – Educational leaders have a lot of responsibility resting on their shoulders. Their cutting-edge resources provide leaders with information, insight, and support as they guide their learning organizations toward higher student achievement and long-term success.
  • Staff Development – From books on mentoring practices and new teacher induction to comprehensive multimedia packages that provide opportunities for enhanced professional learning, Corwin’s staff development resources help educators learn the best practices for growth throughout their careers.
  • Exceptional Education – One size doesn’t fit all, especially when it comes to our children’s education. Educators can meet students’ wide-ranging needs with Corwin books on effective programs, teaching practices, and support services in special education, inclusive education, and gifted education.
  • Early Childhood Education -Early childhood educators have a tremendous responsibility to help young children gain the critical foundations for success in later grades. Corwin Press offers resources in research-based instructional and assessment practices to help you turn this challenge into an opportunity.
  • Student Assessment – Corwin resources cover the many forms of student assessment, from classroom assessment with rubrics, portfolios, and formative assessments to using Response to Intervention (RTI) to determine students’ learning needs and eligibility for special services.

Corwin’s mission is to offer practical, hands-on teaching resources to help education professionals do their work better – and, in the process, help advance the field and improve education for all learners. At Corwin they are responsive to the needs of their readers, the constructive criticism of their reviewers, and the preferences of their authors.

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Corwin 2025 Coupons, News & More


How to Choose the Correct Clothing Size for Children

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Choosing the correct children’s clothing sizes means the difference between a favorite outfit and a return


10 Must-Have Essential Beauty Tools: Know What to Buy

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Not only does it make us feel better about ourselves, it’s crucial that we present ourselves every day at work looking rested, well-groomed, professional, and raring to climb our career ladders to the very top. These top 10 essential beauty tools will keep you looking great from head to toe.

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