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For over a century, the Sears catalog has been providing American retailers with the finest, highest quality products, and that includes shoes. Try on a pair of rugged Sears work boots, steel toes and other protective shoes for men featured in the Sears Work Boots catalog, and you’ll be making an investment in your shoe quality, style and safety.^

  • Sears Work Boot catalogs – From Wolverine Waterproof Insulated Work Boots to Timberland Pro Steel Toes and cool Converse Duty Uniform Boots, Sears brings you the most handsome designs of safety footwear and men’s work boots. Get your shoe shopping job done with one visit to the Sears shoe catalog for comfortable, well-made, functional and always affordable Sears work boots and shoes.
  • Sears work boots~ – Wherever your work day takes you, Sears work boots are the right shoes to help you get suited up for the job. Choose the perfect boot according to profession, safety features, style, height, color, width and size. You’ll find men’s work boots from all of the leading brands including Craftsman, Converse, DieHard, Timberland, Skechers and even more solid brands, all showcased in the Sears Work Boots catalog!
  • Steel toes – Work your hardest with ironclad footwear on the job site with men’s steel toe work boots from Sears that will serve and protect you well. Constructed of quality steel for maximum protection, these steel toed wonders will create a virtual force field on the outside while cushioning your feet on the inside with cushioned insoles and more amazing features! Choose steel toe boots from Chippewa, Caterpillar, Bates, Justin, Wolverine and more!
  • Craftsman work boots – You trust them when it comes to tools, now get the same Craftsman quality from your foowear! Get ready to work it with tough and sturdy Sears work boots from Craftsman that allow you to enjoy comfort all day long while benefitting from waterproof construction, slip-resistant outsoles and safety toes. When it comes to work boots, you’ll love the Sears collection of Craftsman work boots just as much as you love Sears prices.

Count on the Sears shoes catalog to bring you a tenacious variety of Sears work boots in a variety of colors and styles that will suit any job detail. No job will ever be too large or too small when you’re outfitted with feature packed work boots from Sears.

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What Happened to the ABC Distributing Catalog, Is It Still Available?

by Catalogs Editorial Staff

The ABC Distributing catalog was bought out by LTD Commodities. But, the same great products and excellent service are still offered!

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