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The Tuttle catalog is your source for classic men’s clothing, distinctive sportswear, and fine men’s and women’s golf clothing. Relax with their catalog as you shop for:

  • The original Lacoste logo – Enjoy a classic look and unbeatable comfort when you choose Lacoste shirts online, or in their catalog. The standard in preppy clothing, the original pique cotton short-sleeved polo with the alligator logo is still the best choice in men and women’s sportswear.
  • Men’s sportswear ~- From alpaca or cashmere sweaters to cotton or linen trousers, Tuttle has the fine sportswear discriminating men demand. You’ll find your favorite colors, cuts and fabrics for weekend relaxation or business casual wear in their catalog or online.
  • Women’s sportswear – You’ll be dressed perfectly for everything from lunch at the club to a casual afternoon at work in classic styles from Geiger, Blue Willi’s or Lilly Pulitzer clothing. Whether you need misses Bermuda shorts or the always-elegant look of fine wool trousers, clothes shopping is a joy with the Tuttle catalog’s collection of timeless women’s apparel.
  • Men’s and women’s golf clothing – Look and feel great on the course or at the club for drinks in golf clothes for women and men from Ben Hogan, Burberry, and more. Before you set your next tee time, check out their entire golf wear collection, from short sleeved shirts to pants designed to let you move in comfort,
  • Casual footwear – Fashion starts from the ground up. Choose the comfort of slip-ons from Magnanni or Cole Haan shoes. Or the soft as slippers feel of chukka suede boots and shoes.

From men’s and woman’s golf apparel, to fine sports wear from names like Lacoste, Geiger, Ben Hogan and Lilly Pulitzer, they have the causal look and classic designs you demand. Whether you are looking for polos featuring the tiny alligator that started the preppy clothes craze, or the right look for a casual business luncheon, the Tuttle catalog understands exactly what you need.

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Tuttle Catalog 2025 Coupons, News & More


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