eBags is your online source for the best handbags on the internet, featuring top designer wallets, laptop bags, luggage, handbags, backpacks and more.^
- Top designer handbags – eBags is the world’s largest online retailer of bags and accessories for all lifestyles, providing the top designer handbags for fashionistas from the most coveted brands in the handbag biz. Score the best handbags with all of the latest styles up for grabs, from clutches to crossbodies, shoulder bags to satchels, hobos to totes and more, from the top designers in the industry including Rebecca Minkoff, Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Cole Haan and the list goes on and on.
- Wallets & accessories – Besides the top designer handbags online, you’ll also find a luxurious collection of men’s and women’s wallets that range from sleek leather wallet styles to organizational wallets and travel wallets that serve a purpose. Shop for the top handbags and wallets, plus everyday accessories including jewelry and watches, hats, eyewear, belts and more chic fashion accessories.
- Business & laptop bags – Shop for the top designer handbags and transport your electronic devices with ease from a selection of men’s and women’s laptop bags, iPad and eReader cases that will protect your most prized possessions. Choose from easy to access laptop sleeves and rolling laptop cases, MacBook and netbook cases, attaches and briefcases and even checkpoint friendly bags that make going through airport security a breeze.
- Backpacks & messenger bags – For work, play or school, adults, teens or little ones, you’ll find the best handbags, backpacks and messenger bags that will cover every member of the family whether they’re backpacking through Europe, giving a power point presentation, starting 1st grade or college. Browse a vast assortment of laptop computer backpacks and messenger bags, kids’ carriers and backpacks, sling bags, travel backpacks and fanny packs, wheeled backpacks and more cool bag and backpack options for men, women and children.
- Luggage & travel accessories – Traveling can be stressful, but packing doesn’t have to be with top of the line luggage sets featuring lightweight luggage, rolling, spinner and hardside luggage options that will make getting from the airport to the hotel a pleasure. Find the top handbags, luggage and travel accessories for your next trip – from easy to transport carry-on luggage to garment bags, travel totes, wallets and travel pillows for the plane, eBags supplies you with all of the excess baggage you need to travel in style.
Discover a complete line of the best handbags as well as luggage, wallets, and bags for work and school from your favorite premium and popular brands, including Samsonite, JanSport, The North Face and Eagle Creek. From backpacks and carry-ons to computer cases and the top designer handbags, eBags combines the best selection of the brands you want without leaving you with an empty purse.