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Best Cell Phones for Visually Impaired Seniors: 2021 Buyer’s Guide [AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon & More]

by Christina Thompson

The best cell phones for visually impaired seniors are different than the best cell phones for young adults because of their focus on usability, accessibility, […]


What are the Best Gadgets for Coffee Lovers? Great Gifts and Must-haves

by Editorial Staff

The golden era is upon us! These top gadgets for coffee lovers enhance the whole experience from grinding to the very last hot sip.

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Trades Education Offers

Browse special offers from schools that specialize in educating for a career in the trades, with scholarships, financial assistance, online programs and credit transfer options to make earning your degree easier. In order to break into the trades, you need to lay a foundation of learning and certification, so understanding the educational opportunities open to you is an important first step.

Trade School Catalogs & Courses

Although a high school diploma is the minimum educational requirement for trades jobs, technical and trades schools offer courses and provide certifications that help you obtain licenses and dependable work. Skilled trades careers are usually a path from apprentice to experience craftsman or highly licensed service provider. You can find schools, courses and certificate programs that support your career advancement.

Careers in the Trades

What are the trades? There are careers in construction, like inspectors, plumbers, electricians and glaziers. There are also trades jobs in the beauty and cosmetology field. A trade is generally any job that requires a set of specialized training in order for you to provide a service, generally with a certificate course, internship or other specific course of study. Often called skilled trades, these are labor jobs that require specific training for jobs that are often physical and labor intensive.
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